ATTN Maximus!!!

by normie67 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • normie67

    I would like to start by saying your posts are very informative. It speaks volumes of one who has seen things from a different perspective(i.e "Inside").
    Just curious where can we read your history or story inside the WTBTS???
    I know you need to protect your anonymity and such!! But still as an "Active" JW, just want to know where your coming from!!


  • Maximus


    If you know I wish to remain anonymous, you will understand that I'm not going to paint a target behind my head. Have no idea what the bounty is these days. My posts will tell you where I'm coming from.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Do you plan to make public in the future who you are?

    I thought I read something in one of your post that suggested to me anyway, that perhaps you would when the time was right?

    No biggy for me just woundering.

    A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • hawkaw

    It is not important who Max (aka the "Redactor") is.

    What is important - he will help you. And he gives information that you can verify on your own.

    We are truly lucky to have this man on this board.


  • sf

    "What is important..."

    I truly hope you aren't suggesting what should be of importance to each of us Individually. After all, don't we all decide, for Ourselves, what is priority and what is of importance?

    I, for one, can't wait to read, in detail, "Maximus'" Story.

    sKally, baited breath klass

  • hawkaw

    Hi sf,

    Absolutely not.

    I hope Max will share his story for you if that is what you need. All I was getting at is that his information base is worth is weight in Gold.

    Good luck


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I truly agree with you about Maximus's importance and in no way would want to jeopordize his effectiveness.

    Just curious can you really blame anyone for not being curious?

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • Anchor

    : sKally, baited breath klass

    Doubt he'll take your bait.

    You'll likely remain with bated breath.

    For certain organizational reasons, I will have to refrain from posting for awhile, but hope to peek in. This is The Learning Place.


  • Stephanus
    Just curious can you really blame anyone for not being curious?

    Of course not! This "we will tell you what is important and you will keep all idle speculation to yourselves" attitude sounds awfully like the attitude of the FDS you're trying to undermine! Okay guys, what you're doing is important and must be kept secret; is it any excuse for being rude and dismissive towards people who simply want to know the truth? Inquiring minds and independent thinkers are bound to ask these questions - would you, like the 'Tower, like to suppress that natural urge?

  • jurs

    I too , am quite curious about you Max. A man of mystery and intrigue !!! That's very sexy....
    Just kidding around

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