The west seems to march on and make huge progress. The Soviet Union/Russia made some remarkable advances being the first in space, the 2 nd in nuclear technology, the first to put a man in space etc. It would only be a person with half a brain cell to see that India and China are going to be huge world powers in the next 50 years and this century will belong to them. Europe has enlarged and will still be a force. Japan is a huge economic force. Israel/Jews are a remarkably talented race – Einstein/Heisenberg etc and others.
So despite all the huge resources of oil , where does it leave the Muslim world – way behind. It must be so humiliating for them. Allah has not blessed them for being the one true religion. So yes they are in a fight for survival and denial is a survival mechanism as is fight/flight.
Muslims have a huge amount to contribute –if only they could have a Martin Luther and him/her survive long enough without a Fatwah being issued against him/her. If only they could empower their females. Without female empowerment you are automatically losing 50% of your potential contribution.