the general feeling on this website is that all religions have gods people in why does it matter to you all.that you believe you were lied too?you show me a religion that is with out fault?show me a religion that has the total truth from the bible? with out doubt despite what people say the jehovahs wittnesses.have the closest to the truth
by PMJ 107 Replies latest watchtower bible
You've convinced me, PMJ. I'm ready to go back believing in the rightousness of Jehovah the baby-killer.
I would say JW's are the furthest from the truth. YOu don't need religion. THe Bible is the word of God, Christ is your savior and your mediator, that is all you need.
ok if thats true.why does the bible say dont forsake the congregating of your selfs together?if God wasnt to have his people on earth.then who do we congregate with?lets say one person believes Jehovah is God and Jesus is his son.and another man believes the trinity.would God accept worship of both of these men?
so why does it matter to you all.that you believe you were lied too?you show me a religion that is with out fault?show me a religion that has the total truth from the bible? with out doubt despite what people say the jehovahs wittnesses.have the closest to the truth
The big deal is that there are people that believe what the Organization tells them, people who have made decisions based on trust in "God's Organization" and have neither prepared themselves or any children they may have for the reality that exists whether the society tells them it does or not. You cannot retire on a window washer income.
People have died following the societies rules, when if they had only held on a few years they would have been ok because the "new light" made it so. You can't hype up the end to be right around the corner or even in a few months as WAS DONE and then say people were foolish for beleiving it and "we never said that". You can't change what is written in the WT for the bound volume just because the WT wound up being wrong.
People have made bad decisions because of believing in the society, they have become dependent on someone else to make their choices and conscience for them and it is wrong. Anyone who is or has been an elder for more than 8 years or so knows it is a lie and had had a hand in hurting someone due to a b.s. policy.
The organization ruins lives of opportunities and kills people through negligence, and allows the unreported molestation and rape of children to keep the organizations name clear.
The worst thing is it is all done for the almighty dollar.
Lady Lee
the general feeling on this website is that all religions have gods people in why does it matter to you all.that you believe you were lied too?
It matters because the very people who claim to have absolute truthâ„¢ have through lies and misrepresentation twisted what others have said to make it seem like they said something else. Lying goes contrary to the act of calling what you believe the Truthâ„¢
you show me a religion that is with out fault?
Well I have been to a few other churches. Not one of them forced me to swear and oath of allegiance. Not one of them claimed to have the real 'truth". Not one of them told me that I was going to die if I didn't join up and spend my life dragging books and magazines full of lies. In fact I was was baptized as a baby and they didn't say boo about me not showing up. They certainly didn't track me down and ask if I still believed what they teach.
show me a religion that has the total truth from the bible?
No one has total truth - especially the WTS
with out doubt despite what people say the jehovahs wittnesses.have the closest to the truth
OK I'm biting my tongue and controlling my fingers that want to type CRAP. Ooops Instead I will say what an old math prof teacher used to say when people gave the wrong answer PURE UNMEDICATED GARBAGE A JW wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them upside the head. I should know. I used to be one.
Please feel free to congregate your own self wherever you like.
PMJ you need to answer me about my blood letter. And by the way show me one prophecy that the Society has gotten right.
Did Jesus says of the scribes and Pharisees, "there is good in all religion, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL ANY WAY?", no, for he called them Whitewashed graves and hypocrites. The greek term he used meant profane and irreligious play actors.
As I remember it, the scribes and pharisees filled themselves with laws of this that and the other, while missing the point of "the principle of law" and love.
Now... ask anyone here what their experience of the witnesses was and there you have your answer.
Jehovah's Witnesses have the CLOSEST to the truth?
That is not good enough when Jehovah is the editor of the Watchtower! If Jehovah is the editor of the Watchtower, then Jehovah's Witnesses should be "totally" true and not "close."
In 1943, WT Vice President Frederick Franz, and President Nathan H. Knorr provided the following testimony under oath in a court of law that the content of The Watchtower comes directly from God.
Cross-examination of Frederick W. Franz in the case of Olin Moyle v. WTB&TS, 1943, Sections #2596-2597, p. 866.
Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper [The Watchtower], is that right?
A. He is today the editor of the paper.Q. How long has He been editor of the paper?
A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.