Lavender when pressed against wounds prevents bleeding, so the young wives of warriors would bind together lavender stems and give them to their husbands in preperation for battle. I imagine those men felt very proud being looked after by their wives that way, and lavender smells damn good too.
Lavender, huh?? I thought that was a girly thing?? Even I don't have lavender, it's a little too girly for me. But maybe I could get some and tie it up in a little bundle and write out that little story for him, and it wouldn't be as girly then, it might make him feel more "macho" to think of himself of a "warrior".
How about a gift card to a video/music store? That way he would be able to pick out whichever music or movie he wants.
Good suggestion, but not a good idea for two reasons:
1.) I hate giving gift cards, they're just impersonal and they say exactly how much money you spent on recipient.
2.) He doesn't "buy" movies and music, he downloads music and movies and rips DVDs, the only thing he pays for are the movie rentals.
-Becka :)