I'm not sure if you've ever seen your bf in person, but I think he'd love to see a video of you to watch when he's feeling a bit lonely. So if you know someone with a camcorder, make him a personal video.
I've thought about that, but I don't have a camcorder or access to one, either. I was thinking about putting together something like that, but with still photos, instead - almost like a slideshow, but with more flair. Whadda ya think??
Ooo, and yes, I've seen my boyfriend on three occasions, so we're not total strangers.
I think you should also think about how often you buy things whatever they are. Don't flood this guy with stuff so he's overwhelmed. There is nothing worse for a guy. Remember - he has to do the hard work - not you.
I was concerned about that, too - I'm deathly afraid of smothering a guy, I want to give just the right amount of attention without suffocating him. That's why I don't, for example, phone him any more than twice a week, I don't want to be one of those girlfriends who smothers her boyfriend and scares him away. I give him all of the space that he needs, I don't pester him about anything, I listen to everything he has to say and I try to understand everything that he does. Like emails - we communicate mostly through email, so I email him daily, but sometimes, he doesn't email me for a few days. Sure, I'd like to bug him about that, but sometimes, a guy needs his space and I don't want to smother him, so I let him do what he wants. The problem is, that could lead to some trouble - I gave my last boyfriend all of the space that he wanted and needed, too, and he took that time and space and found himself a new girlfriend.
We've been dating now for almost 9 months, and I think I've given him a little something on two different occasions. Nothing big, just a couple of little things to say that I'm thinking about him, like the photos that I mentioned a few posts back. He's given me things on many more occasions, he gives me something every time we get together and he sends me things in the mail, too. For example - I have a Canon PowerShot A520 digital camera, my boyfriend gave it to me the very first time we met, before we were dating!! He's big on gift-giving, and he doesn't do it half-assed, either - he sent me a wooden picture-puzzle back in December that cost over $90 US. Why?? Because he knew I'd like it. He takes great pleasure in spoiling me, even when I tell him not to. I just want to be able to do nice things for him to show him that I care.
Heh, I asked him once what would be a good way for a girl to show a guy that she cares, because guys are so much harder to shop for than girls are. He said, "You wanna surprise me?? Show up at my apartment, naked. Guys love it when sex is the girl's idea."
-Becka :)