Could we get a list going of kh's sold to churches or religious affiliated? The thread (which I can't find at the moment) about painters not taking jobs painting churches got me thinking of this.
get a list of kh's sold to churches?
by carla 19 Replies latest jw friends
I am sure the first thing the Churches do with Klingdom Halls that are sold is hold an exorsism! Where is Linda Blair when you need her!
Uvalde TX Kingom Hall sold to Hossanna Assembly of God church.
Frannie Banannie
In either 1992 or 1993, the Lake Hodges Cong in Escondido, CA. sold their KH at 1331 So. Orange in Escondido to a church (denom. unknown), as their new and fancy shmancy KH had been built on a major freewy nearby.
Lady Lee
2 KHs sold to other religions in Quebec
Dorval and St. Laurent
KH in Eden NC sold to a church.
Ken P.
A kingdom hall in Niagara Falls was sold to a Catholic denomination, and also JW's bought a church and converted it into a kingdom hall.
A Kingdom Hall in New Bradwell, UK was sold to Muslims and became a mosque.
Clearfield, UT. Sold to a Baptist Church.
Remember that news story about a terrorist cell in Lodi, California? The mosque there used to be a Kingdom Hall as well.
In the years since, Shah has obtained visas for enough family members to fill 20 households. He co-founded Lodi's only mosque, a pale yellow former Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall of clapboard and stucco near a city park on the southeast side of town.