I’m sure you have heard comments like these from naïve JWs:
‘The Society never said that Armageddon would come in 1975, it was just a few brothers who went over the top.’ (So you don’t remember the Watchtower article ‘Why are you looking forward to 1975?’ then?)
‘Having a blood transfusion after a massive blood loss will do you no good since blood doesn’t transport oxygen until 24 hours after it has been transfused anyway.’ (Not true, blood transports oxygen as soon as it is transfused)
‘Our growth is a sign of God’s blessing, it must be the Truth.’ (What about other religions who are growing faster, like the Mormons and Scientologists?)
‘Our decline in numbers is the foretold ‘cooling off’, and the result of Satan’s attacks, why would Satan attack a false religion? We must have the truth.’ (Seems to be a case of heads I win tails you lose, people attack the Moonies but it doesn’t mean they have the truth either).
‘Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only religion to preach the good news door to door.’ (Not true, lots of Christian groups do this, even the Mormons. It also depends on what you mean by ‘good news’ I agree that JWs are the only religion that preach the JW religion from door to door, but that’s not saying much is it?)
I was having a conversation with a JW last week and she said ‘the Society has a lot of enemies, if they ever said anything untrue they would be attacked straight away.’ (LOL)
She was not the slightest bit fazed when I informed her that there are reams of information which show that the Society had indeed lied but she wasn’t allowed to read it. Not to mention that 99.9 percent of people on earth don’t give a toss what JWs have to say anyway.
To be fair, there is also the counterpart, the naïve apostate, who says that the internet/paedophile issue/problem x is going to bring the Society crashing down in flames. I’ve been around long enough to know that the GB makes Houdini look like a one legged mouse in a cat’s home. The religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses will be around for a long time, though it will eventually morph into a more normal mainstream religion (in 50 – 100 years). I think that the numbers will stabilise at around 7 million with no appreciable movement either way unless they do something really stupid (like refuse to abandon the 1914 doctrine, think how stupid THAT will sound in 2064)
Can you add to this list, what things have naïve JWs or apostates said to you?