I will be posting contents of the book "Watchtower and the Masons" by Fritz Springmeier. This is an extremely rare book that is currently out of print. The information contained here is EXTREMELY important in determining what this organization is all about. Stay tuned for more.
Watchtower and the Masons - part 1
by truth_about_the_truth 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
All I see are red x's!
Is that book copyrighted? And what was the publication date?
lego, try hitting refresh on your browser. It should work
Thanks for warning us. Will you be posting the Unibomber's Manifesto as well?
I know this is a bit ad hominem, but I think it sheds some light into who this guy Fritz is, for those of you who have no idea who he is.
The rest of the story regarding Fritz Springmeier
Oh, and to balance it a bit, here is a page I found by some rather close supporters, I take it, with links to other documents of his.
I note that in the "rebuttal" to the journalists article spends much time picking apart the story. Ok, fine. I know there are lazy journalists. But, so? He still was in possession of military contraband and was sentenced as guilty of bank robbery.
He's a kook and there is no getting around it.
He was framed.
He was framed.
Sure, so were they all.
Let the facts speak for themselves. This material is well referenced. Read the material before you jump to conclusions on judging one's character. You obviously haven't because it hasn't been posted yet.
He was framed for bank robbery after authoring "Bloodlines of the Illuminati". This is typical of the way ppl who say too much are handled by the PTB.