Watchtower and the Masons - part 1

by truth_about_the_truth 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • atypical

    I would love to believe this. It would give me the perfect angle to use on my dad, whom I love very much and who loves to read about the Illuminati. But I would also love to win the Powerball. It will probably never happen.

  • daystar
    He was framed for bank robbery after authoring "Bloodlines of the Illuminati". This is typical of the way ppl who say too much are handled by the PTB.

    If you say so. It's a wonder that Icke is still walking around freely though, isn't it?

    Let the facts speak for themselves. This material is well referenced.

    Oh, I will. The problem is that I sincerely doubt there will be as many facts as there will be baseless assertions. Conspiracy theorists like Fritz like to leap from fact to fact and fill in the gaps with whatever they can dream up in the effort to support an existing premise they have, most often based upon some vague sense of victimization.

    Man has a way of creating his own demons to rationalize his weaknesses and failures, real or imagined.

  • sf

    A Covenant With Death

    by Bill Cooper
    ( Commentary from research Barbara Ann
    -- File No. 005 )

    sKally, sees no Evil, hears no Evil, feels no Evil klass


  • FairMind

    Sounds wild but I'll not pass personal judgement until I've read more and had time to think about it. One thing though, the idea of a new world order has since I first heard it made me wonder if it had a connection with the "new system".

  • truth_about_the_truth
    new world order has since I first heard it made me wonder if it had a connection with the "new system".

    The WTS regularly used the term "New order" in the past before switching to "new system" at some point. This point is covered in the book eventually. Also, why call their Bible the "New World" translation?

  • daystar
    Also, why call their Bible the "New World" translation?

    Because their hope is for a... new world, perhaps? What? The Masons or Illuminati or whatever are the only ones allowed to use those phrases?

    (daystar, of the revived Bavarian Illuminati klass)

  • truth_about_the_truth
    Because their hope is for a... new world, perhaps

    It's one and the same. Why do you think the WT emphasizes the new world as a government?

  • daystar
    It's one and the same.

    And, other than you asserting so, why should I think so as well? The New World Order does not bear much resemblance to the New System of the Witnesses from everything I've read and seen of them. They are two different ideals.

    Why do you think the WT emphasizes the new world as a government?

    Because they, just like other fundie religious groups, believe that the world would best be governed by a theocracy. The Muslims feel much the same way.

    It still does not follow that the two groups are as closely linked as you and others would have us all believe.

  • Kaput
    Is that book copyrighted? And what was the publication date?

    Copyright symbol followed by 1990, 1992 along with following info on copyright page: First edition - 1990
    First edition, 2nd release - 1990
    First edition, 3rd release - 1992

  • LittleToe

    So has permission been sought to post the entire contents on this site?

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