How "Evolved" are you quiz
by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends
You scored as Evolving nicely... Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid. Evolving nicely..
100% Go and find a soul, please..
70% Enlightened
50% You are a Sheep.
30% You're still waiting for your thumbs..
0% You're kidding yourself..
How Evolved Are You?
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hell..I coulda told ya that...
oh wait...I did
You scored as Evolving nicely... Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid. Evolving nicely..
100% Enlightened
50% Go and find a soul, please..
30% You are a Sheep.
20% You're kidding yourself..
10% You're still waiting for your thumbs..
How Evolved Are You?
created with No, that quiz it not biased or anything... -
Enlightened 20% Evolving nicely.. 20% You are a Sheep. 10% Go and find a soul, please.. 10% You're still waiting for your thumbs.. 0% You're kidding yourself.. 0% What is wrong here? strange sco9re, I am nothing?
What is wrong here? strange sco9re, I am nothing?
What do you expect for a Pink Panther?
SHEEP Being part of the herd is a blessed relief when you're absolutely exhausted. Not evolved, but not actively seeking it either. You're just trying to get throught your day by not killing your boss, or climbing a tower with a loaded rifle. A beer, Fox News, the OC and Nickleback, is the most introspective you want to be. You don't need answers, you just need to win lotto. You are a Sheep. 60% Evolving nicely.. 50% Enlightened 20% Go and find a soul, please.. 10% You're still waiting for your thumbs.. 0% You're kidding yourself.. 0% -
You scored as Evolving nicely... Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid. Evolving nicely..
90% Enlightened
70% You are a Sheep.
50% You're kidding yourself..
20% You're still waiting for your thumbs..
20% Go and find a soul, please..
How Evolved Are You?
created with -
You scored as Evolving nicely... Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid. Evolving nicely..
80% Enlightened
70% You're kidding yourself..
30% You are a Sheep.
10% You're still waiting for your thumbs..
0% Go and find a soul, please..
How Evolved Are You?
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