Awake = College Education, % of brain usage, where are these?

by drew sagan 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    Vomit alert:

    One sociological study entitled The Family and the Bible, conducted by A.I. Antonov, head of the Department of Family Sociology at the Lomonsov Moscow State University, established that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses "plays an important role in strengthening the institute of the family." In particular it shows a divorce rate among Jehovah's Witnesses of less than 5 percent compared with 40 percent among the general population of Moscow. The study also revealed a much higher level of education among Jehovah's Witnesses (when compared with that of the average Muscovite), which tends toward independent rational thinking and decision-making. "Tolerant attitudes and conduct improve the longer a person is a Witness," said Professor Antonov.

  • jgnat

    A must-see page on why the 10% usage is a myth.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Sorry, no comment on the topic at hand. I just wanted to say....

    Welcome to the forum Kudra. I like your avatar.

  • Inquisitor

    I've tried searching for the 10% brain quote, but am still unable to find it. But I was so convinced that the idea was introduced in one of the suggested presentations years ago (thus the experience of jwfacts) How come it isn't there? Can anyone else locate it? This is gonna bug me to death now!!! INQ

  • Highlander

    The whole JW concept of anti-education, pro-mindless obedience reminds me of a Malcolm in the Middle episode. In this episode Reese shuts off his brain and

    joins the army, becoming an exceptional soldier.

    I often think that I had shut off my brain when I was a strong, spiritual jw.

    Reese finally realized that following orders mindlessly wasn't working and turned

    his brain back on. I'm thankful that I turned my brain back on as well.

  • IMustBreakAway

    The 10% idea is a little wittness folklore. I have heard it in so many talks i want to puke. When i was at bethel i sat next to a german brother who was on the writting commitee. One day i asked him about the quote and a few weeks later he got back to me with their, "Source." It was from an article written by Carl Sagan. Who truthfully i do have some respect for. However his quote was something to the effect of, "Many scientists feel, that we only use 10% of our brain."

    A quick look at snopes or wiki will tell you differently.

  • Undecided

    If you ask my wife she will confirm I use only 10% of my brain.

    Ken P.

  • nicolaou

    *** w85 1/15 p. 17 A Government That Accomplishes What Man Cannot ***

    We probably do not use even 1 percent—more likely 0.1 percent or less.

    *** w02 6/1 p. 5 A Closer Look at Some Myths About Death ***

    Some neuroscientists figure that during an average lifetime, a person uses only 1/100 of 1 percent (.0001) of his potential brain capacity. It is appropriate to ask, ‘Why do we have a brain with such a large capacity when we utilize only a tiny fraction of it in an average lifetime?’

  • Hellrider

    I grew up believing in that 10%-myth. And the reasons given for it, was the continuing decay of humans since the fall of Adam. We were perfect, and I assumed Adam used a 100% of his brain. But because he and Eve sinned, along with the decreasing life spans of their children, childrens children etc, the brain decayed, and we became stupider and stupider. I saw it as a kind of evolution in reverse, and that eventually, if Armageddon didn`t come any time soon, we would soon turn into apes (think I was mixing up theories from the WTS with theories of "the world" there, ha ha). The sad part of it, is that I would mention these things in science-class at school. Not only this one, but all sorts of stupid theories we learned from the university of Awake. The teachers and my classmates would look at me like I was some kind of retard. "Where does he gets all those strange ideas? Oh, his parents are Jehovahs Witnesses...ok"...

  • lilybird

    Well, as most Awake articles seem to discuss topics like "how chocolate is made" or the "fascinating life of the corn beetle",or for the younger crowd "how slow dancing leads to fornication",,, it is easy to see why most Dubs need only 10% of the their brains to absorb the mundane stuff the WT spits out.

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