I must admit after being an ex-jws for over 15 years now I still get fustrated at JW's elders when they act so non-chalant about the Watchtower's prediction failures. I was talking to a JW elder just the other day and he was trying to explain away that the society made errors in dates in the past but they are not "false prophets". I was not even calling them false prophets he was the one that brought up the term. I was just trying to get him to acknowlege that some of us ex-jws did not leave for sexual immorality, or drugs or alcohol. The elder said that 99% of ex-jws are disfellowshipped for these 3 reasons. He has been an elder for over 25 years and he was telling me that JW's are giving chance after chance (public or private reproof) before disfellowshipping or disassociation takes place. He told me that he does not care how many dates the Watchtower gave that did not come to pass because he told me that "false prophecies" (deut 18:20-22) is under the old testament law and christians are no longer under that law so JW's are not false prophets at all since they are not in old testament times. The most you can accuse JW's with today is "wrong expectations" which is not a sin at all because the apostles did the same thing. This was this elder's way of turning the spin away from the Watchtowers errors and making it seem like everyday errors that all do. The elders also condemn the churches that don't make changes. He said that even when the churches know they are wrong they will hang onto a doctrine or belief just to keep members that give 10% to the church. He mentioned "Halloween" as an example. He said that most churches still hang onto this Devilish holiday even though they know it is pagan. Also Christmas is not the date of Jesus BD but he argues that the churches have not publically announced to their churches to stop celebrating a wrong date. He mentioned that the churches are infested with Homosexuals and Lesbians but they do not "expell" unrepentant gay people from their churches because they have just become so liberal and don't want to offend gay people. He said JW's look at Jehovah and Jesus for approval not church members.
Why do JW's elders act like their failed predictions is no big deal?
by booker-t 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the failed predictions were a big deal, they would no longer be princes and chieftains in the new world.
Yowch I'm sure that hurts.
I was just trying to get him to acknowlege that some of us ex-jws did not leave for sexual immorality, or drugs or alcohol. The elder said that 99% of ex-jws are disfellowshipped for these 3 reasons.
Ya know, I just had an epiphany of sorts.
All those years that the WTS published the numbers of DFd ones and told us it was mostly from immorality may have been a ruse to keep us from wondering why so many were actually leaving. The scary talks about immorality were a smoke screen to keep us occupied from questioning other motives of why so many were really DFd.
IP_SEC, you took the words right out of my mouth. WHOOSH.
He told me that he does not care how many dates the Watchtower gave that did not come to pass because he told me that "false prophecies" (deut 18:20-22) is under the old testament law and christians are no longer under that law so JW's are not false prophets at all since they are not in old testament times.
Rev. 21:8 But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and fornicators and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death.”
I'm certain that making false prophesies and then covering them up would qualify as lying. Perhaps he doesn't know that Revelation is in the NT
That is a good one ! Not False prophet any more ?
WrongExpectationTower ? AHA ! AHA ! LOL
Surely, that is your fault if you expected the wrong expectations come to pass..... LOL
"the truth will set you free"
So the "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" proclaimed literally to be true during the 20s and 30 was just "wrong expectations"?
Tell that to the people who believed what they were told by The Watchtower.
Talk about spin control! That elder has insulated himself from all the error spewed forth over the years by the Organization.
When it comes down to it, it appears that the people who stay don't care at all about the errors made by the Watchtower. I suppose they are happy and content to go to the Kingdom Halls and associate with other JWs who also think the same way.
IP_SEC, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Im truly honored Jgnat. *bows*
and what do the following have in common?
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
"the check is in the mail"
"I didn't inhale"
"This will only hurt a little bit"
"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"
"we made false predictions but we aren't false prophets"