Just remember: who's the one who looks stupid? It sure ain't you!
I was shunned today in the post office.
by outoftheorg 39 Replies latest jw experiences
I know. It's really hard to get decent service in the post office these days.
Greetings outoftheorg,
What happened to you there in the PO is so typical. I live in a small town and experience much the same kind of thing, where you see the witnesses go by in their cars, they know who I am but they look the other way. I just laugh @ them. They are so pathetic. To think that they go to peoples doors under the guise of love? They're laughable.
force them not to shun you, you'll be doing them a favor.
Sorry to hear that. I know what it feels like to feel sorry for someone cause of their wife. I feel that way about my dad.
There are 3 dubs who contract to the same company with me. The company knows that 2 of them call me 'apostate' to my face when I say Hi to them. It is a great thing because since I left the WT and the shunning began in earnest by these two JW's there is no one out of over 100 people at that company who will take WT literature or let them give a WT presentation. The editor even read the article, "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation" by Ms. Louderback-Wood and compared it to the WT Blood Brochure and WTBT$ misquotes on the internet. Still waiting to hear from the parent HQ about writing an article on JW's and misrepresentations by the Watchtower Society. Shunning is the greatest thing that the Watchtower ever came up with because when it is done in public by their cloned robots people see it and take more notice than anything a JW has ever said at their door when they harass the neighborhood on a Saturday morning.
Honesty, If the company know that they say that to you, shouldn't they be disciplined because they are being "religiously abusive" to you.
I'm a school governor and if a child did this to another they would be disciplined and the incident reported to their parents. It would be treated on a par with racial abuse and could lead to exclusion.
I complained when a 7 year old in my daughters class said to her face infront of the whole class "I hate Christians". I was pleased to be informed that the incident had already been dealt with in the manner above. I don't see how your situation is any different.
have thought of getting a T shirt or even a license plate with EX JW
That wont work... I tried to get a License plate with that on it. The reply was NO!!! It might refer to XJEWS!!!.... Also when I was a JW one of the women used to call me MUM, all her kids used to call me NAN!!! when I was DF she saw me at the market. went very white & ran the other way.... I felt so sorry for her....I am sure it made her ill for the resat of the day poor darling....
Honesty, If the company know that they say that to you, shouldn't they be disciplined because they are being "religiously abusive" to you.
No, because we don't work for the company. We have contracts with the company. All the company can do is observe and then if a problem arises with a contractor regarding the services they provide the company takes into consideration how well that contractor interacts with others.
I could always file a lawsuit against them for harassment but it's more important to me that the JW's are providing an accurate picture of themselves to the public as they proclaim Jerhovah's righteous judgements to the world. They are pitied at our workplace because everyone knows how they have been deceived by their leaders in the Watchtower. I make sure the truth about the WT Lie is accurate and honest to all the people there.
BUMPERSTICKERS free get some
When i was wrongfully dfed on trumped up charges from the Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts they all went across town and shunned the Shop and Stop supermarket where i went for groceries.