Shunning someone because they don't agree with your way of thinking is how a small child behaves with another child when they don't get their way. It shows how the borg teaches people to be simple minded ,self centred and affraid to think or reason or their own..
I was shunned today in the post office.
by outoftheorg 39 Replies latest jw experiences
I was just shunned although not DF/DA just stopped going within the last year. It was the quick look away trick but I knew he saw me, so I walked by and went down another isle and back at him on another isle, then when I knew he saw me coming again he quickly started looking in the ice cream section, I came up to his cart and jiggled it, he looked over in "surprise" (yea right) and said Oh hello, I smiled said Hi and moved right along.
In the right circumstances I will not let them shun me.
I have been shunned a few times since leaving, by people I once considered my best friends. It felt really strange the first couple of times, but I am getting used to it now. The object of it is supposedly to show the da'd or df'd one what they are missing. Someone should tell the dubs it doesn't work.
He is really a pretty nice guy and doesn't deserve to be led around by the wbts.
You are a nice guy.
My dad said I was making him uncomfortable and behaving rudely. I don't think your advice is as applicable across the board as you suggest.
I have had occasion since December to wave and yell to a person I grew up with, only to see them start to respond then catch themselves and turn away. A complete stranger asked what that was about. I explained.
To the CCoJW: Please continue indoctrinating your "Witnesses" preaching "love" while they continue to let their darkness drown the light from the world. People will notice. You cannot keep a shadow hid that is even darker than the inside of an upturned measuring basket. People are noticing.
You will not shame me for rejecting your false claims of righteousness and pompous displays of public piety. Inside you are filled with rotting corpses and every sort of filth and on your hands the blood of innocents never dries.
Wow i am gone a day "had to take the wife for chemo" and look at all the replies.
There was another incident that is rather strange. About two years ago I was in the shopping mall and ran across one of the local tv weather forcasters. He is a long time jw.
He and his wife who does not know me were in the mall and he was walking fastly to another shop when he saw me and recognized me. At first he smiled and then I could see the true recognition hit his OH SHIT warning system. He had smiled at an apostate.
I could see his confusion in his steps and trying to find his wife and still look like he knew what he was doing. I pointed this out to my wife and she began to laugh, which really messed up the jw. At this point his wife started to wonder about his actions and seemed equally confused.
I have never seen two people walk away from me so quickly. It is actually pathetic the way some jw's behave when surprised. Their normal human responses get all screwed up with the orders of the wbts and havoc takes over their brain.
James Free
Did anyone ever feel superior Shunning someone?
I never did, I always felt like a little sh*t when ever I had to do it. I can well understand dubs that cross the road to avoid a df'd person, it avoids the shame of shunning someone.
I agree, not all who shun you like doing it. There seem to be two types, the pharissee who loves every moment, and the ordinary guy who feels embarrased and would really prefer not to do it but is too scared of what the pharissee would do to him if he spoke to you.
Actually, that's true of all congregations - some pharissee's controlling the rest. Even in a 'body' of Elders, often one will dominate.
I guess the often quoted scripture by JW's from Jeremiah about man dominating man to his injury applies just as much inside the Org.
I have no doubt that YOU do not have all that it takes to make full use of my advice, just as others do not.
That still does not change the FACTS that shunning "works" only because:
1. The "shunnee" allows the shunning to bother them, and
2. The "shunnee" PERMITS, and for some like yourself, even ASSISTS and ACCOMODATES the shunners to perform the shunning.
If my father. mother, or any other relative complained to me that my anti-shunning actions made them "uncomfortable", they would "educated" very quickly as to how much I could care less, and I would also give them an "education" on who was the genuinely "rude" person.
I understand that standing up to a shunner may be something that some folks need to grow a backbone in order to accomplish, BUT your very wimpish response is the exact excuse most use to avoid doing so, and in turn being made a "victim" by the shunners over and over and over.
If you don't want to be a "victim", then DON'T BE A VICTIM. Again, shunning works ONLY if the shunnee PARTCIPATES. -
I agree, not all who shun you like doing it. There seem to be two types, the pharissee who loves every moment, and the ordinary guy who feels embarrased and would really prefer not to do it but is too scared of what the pharissee would do to him if he spoke to you.
Actually, that's true of all congregations - some pharissee's controlling the rest. Even in a 'body' of Elders, often one will dominate.
That's it!
Two years ago,my house exploded and burned due to a bad furnace.I was at my boyfriends recording studio that evening, and decided to spend the night there.The fire dept has a jw on it and when they saw that my car wasnt at the house, they called my sister to ask her info about me.She didnt know anything about me because she has refused to speak to me for years,{Im df}..I never heard from her after the fire,not to see if I was alive or needed anything or whatever.My fellow musicians {some whom I barely knew} threw a big benefit for me and were very kind.Two years later all is well,new home,renewed sense of community.But,from My own sister,not a word..God would be pleased....Who would be proud to be part of an organization that advocates that???