I have a very distinct memory as a small child, I was probably three, maybe four. We always sat toward the front (why with four children would you sit in the front? Dumb.) Anyway, I was turning in my seat looking at people or whatever, and my dad and mom kept warning me to turn around and face the front. Boring! So I kept turning around. Eventually, my dad hauled me off to the library, which is where all the beatings took place. Of course, I was petrified and kept trying to put my hand on my bottom as I was drug unceremoniously down the aisle. All those people giving me disapproving, knowing looks. So I called out "Jehovah! Please help me!" And the entire kh erupted in laughter. Of course, I think I was beat with the belt even harder for embarrassing my dad.
Of course, now, I do have a sense of humor about that moment. It still makes me sad for that little girl though. I was scared out of my wits and I think I wet my pants. Ugh, it brings back some bad memories.