You Know,
: The thing that makes your post the most laughable is that the Watchtower no longer teaches that the sheep and the goats are presently in the process of being separated.
There are three things that make your post the most laughable:
1) The beginning
2) The middle
3) The end
It is not relevant whether the WTS now has a different understanding of when the separating of sheet and goats is to occur. What is relevant and what Jesus made perfectly clear is relevant is how one treats those in need before that judgement occurs. I know that for an apostate dub like yourself, this concept is extremely difficult for you to get, but I'll try again: Why do people like you find it so hard to accept that Jesus actually meant exactly what he said?
: That is a future event. Since that final determinative judgment is yet future, the calamity that will put God's sons, Jesus' brothers, into the miserable situations described in the prophetic illustration have not unfolded yet.
So, what are you going to do, You Know? Wait until the last possible moment to do some good for your fellow man, and hope you've done just enough to squeak through? Do you think Jesus and God are idiots and cannot see right through such selfishness?
: Hence, the sheep have not had the opportunity to show their loyalty to Jesus' brothers during their time of hardship, but, as we all know---it's coming.
They've had 2,000 years to do so, you moron. Dubs like you are just too selfish to join others who've been doing so all along, because to put it bluntly, you're a bunch of selfish bastards who think only for your own interests and are only concerned about doing what your clueless religious leaders tell you to do. And not a whit more.
You may think that my father is the Devil, but your father is Lyndon Larouche, a crackpot and liar in the league of Hal Lindsey. At least Satan never made any stupid false prophecies like you and those you worship have. Those who you claim have Satan for their father are working tirelessly to bring aid to destitute and starving humans throughout the world. Those who you claim have Jesus for their father are magazine-selling hate-filled religious bigots who care for none but their very own person.
"When in doubt, duck!"