What is all this carry on (controversy) about "Brokeback Mountain"? My goodness, they are acting like 12-year-olds. Get a life - what is this the dark ages?
And it's not just that. They can't mention the UN without attaching the word "scandal".
Question whether Guantanamo Bay is just and and you would think you had insulted their mother. They are bereft for their lack of European-style post-colonial reflexivity and self-doubt.
And why is everyone on Fox News determined to enter into a "culture war"? And why must every single news story be either bad for the "Dems" or good for the GOP?
Don't Americans long for news that is simply "news". If I lived in America and had no access to the BBC or the Guardian, I would be forced to reply on the Daily Show for the closest thing Americans get to objective information on the outside world...
Disclaimer: this does not apply to all Americans of course.