Prejudice and being a JW

by MrMoe 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Mr Moe - interesting points... some may have noticed in my previous posts that I hate prejudice more than just about anything and think there is no place for it in a truly Christian organisation. So why do the JWs think they are not prejudiced? I managed to get hold of the Aug 8 Awake today and found the article entitled 'The Roots of Hate' which looks at prejudice. I loved this comment -

    'According to The World Book Encyclopedia, prejudiced people tend to have opinions that are "held without regard to the available evidence... Prejudiced individuals tend to twist, distort, misinterpret, or even ignore facts that conflict with their predetermined opinions."

    Ha. What a joke. What organisation is responsible for twisting the bible to suit their own beliefs? What organisation is known to distort the word of God? What organisation is famous for misinterpreting scripture time and time again.... and as for ignoring the facts... well, you only have to look at the evidence supporting 586/7 as opposed to 607!

    Prejudiced? Surely they fit the mould perfectly.

  • MrMoe

    To my knowledge, no body on the GB is anything but a white male. (I won't get into the male only thing right now, being that it is a major issue with me.)

    I have also never met a black elder, although I know of one black ministerial servant. I am not saying they don't exist, but...

    I have never heard so much about my needing to be in subjection to my husband before, either. I am sure most churches do not look down upon women who leave their husbands and remarry in cases of abuse or sexual contact other than penetration (mouth contact doesn't count.) Of course, if I am to be in subjection to my husband he wants a blow-job, I don't then because it breaks the rules.

    Also, do Baptists, Catholics and so on dedicate entire magazines (more than just a few) to JW's and how God is going to destroy them and their members, leaving their dead bodies in the street?

    As a JW, I always got an evil happy warm fuzzy feeling when I realized those I didn't like would have their dead bodies picked by birds. So, yes, JW's are very prejudiced to the point of being very extreme.

  • dubla


    moodyblue says hi......

  • logical

    At my hall, there was an asian elder.

    I may be mistaken, but isnt there a "token" black GB member?

  • nytelecom1

    there are no "token" black members on the gb..there is a black brother. One thing you should have concluded from the history is that the gb dont do anything to please tokens needed

    and to the fact that you have never seen black elders? need to get your ass out of the woods..

    Look at the people so many whine about J.R. umm..well
    Black..and look at many of the heavies at bethel

  • waiting


    I'm going to assume that you don't live in the South usa? In our congregation, 50% of elders were black. Over 75% of the congregation was black. I believe that ratio holds true in major southern cities. In small towns, the percentages are even higher for black members.
    There was segregation until mid-60's I think, but then the law changed - and afterwards, so did the jw's.

    We have had black CO's, ours presently is black, and I can think of 3 others since I've been here.

    Is there prejudice? Yeah, but as Path has brought out - there is prejudice period, particularily among funadmentalist christians without higher education - as in our area.

    Interestingly, this conversation so far has been white/black. But I run a car accessory store and a black woman (well dressed and well spoken) came in with a new green Maxima and wanted a pinstripe on it - but more than just the average. Imho, being a white middled-aged woman - quite a bit more. I did what she wanted, and she was happy. But she asked if it was *too much* because she didn't want to look like "those Mexicans."

    Oddly enough last week, this same dealership sent another customer to me - exact same car - green Maxima. Young white woman from the suburbs. She wanted the most discreet pinstripe available - didn't want to look like "those Blacks."

    Imho, we all do it. Just something to work on getting over.

    I agree with Joel - Jehovah's Witnesses are incredibly intolerant - they're the only ones right, the only ones approved by God - and God's going to kill everyone else.

    Hope I've goten over that one!


  • Tina

    I don't know where you live,but the congs in chgo always had black elders. Lots and lots of them. The elder body in my cong was all black except for 1. nobody on the Gb is black? How long ago were you an active witness? Just curious moe. regards,tina

  • Pathofthorns

    Mr.Moe, there are several elders and ministerial servants who are "black" or of any other nationality for that matter. There is one GB member who is black (although I would agree that it is probably for the sake of appearances).

    But how many black or female presidents have you had? How many black popes have there been?

    The point I am making is that if 10 people in a room are prejudiced, then why single out the JW for being any worse? Wouldn't singling out the JW because we once were one be prejudice as well? Most Christians believe homosexuals will burn in hell. JWs teach they will be destroyed at Armageddon. What is the difference really?

    If you want to attack the extremist then attack the KKK or Skinheads. JWs do not condone or promote violence against anyone (until God gets into the picture :)

    I'm not trying to defend JWs by any means. What I am saying is that when you come down harder on them for something others do as well and then ignore the root cause of their prejudice or intollerance, your own argument starts to seem biased.


    (Hi back to Moodyblue My appologies to her and others that i've been negligent in emailing)

  • Tina

    Hi Path!
    I agree with what you've been saying here.
    Bible based prejudices go waaaaaaaaay back into history. Way before Jw's were even around. All the 'holy wars' fought. Sanctioning of slavery. The bible has been the root of more hatred and genocide ,or used as justification of it than any other in history. hugs,T

  • ArgCampeon
    This may be true, but would you hug a homosexual or have dinner with one without preaching to him? You see, I know from experience. If a homosexual did not want a study, how would you react to him then? I know how you would react, you would shun him.
    My father as an elder shunned my brother, who was not baptized. He told me he would have disowned his son if it wasn't for mom. He also told me he would disown my other brother because he has problems with drug addiction (he is unbaptized as well.) I was also told by my father the elder that if I ever married someone who was not white he would never speak to me again because "Jehovah made different colored people like he made different colored flowers..."

    I think your problem is with your dad, not all JW's.

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