Mr Moe - interesting points... some may have noticed in my previous posts that I hate prejudice more than just about anything and think there is no place for it in a truly Christian organisation. So why do the JWs think they are not prejudiced? I managed to get hold of the Aug 8 Awake today and found the article entitled 'The Roots of Hate' which looks at prejudice. I loved this comment -
'According to The World Book Encyclopedia, prejudiced people tend to have opinions that are "held without regard to the available evidence... Prejudiced individuals tend to twist, distort, misinterpret, or even ignore facts that conflict with their predetermined opinions."
Ha. What a joke. What organisation is responsible for twisting the bible to suit their own beliefs? What organisation is known to distort the word of God? What organisation is famous for misinterpreting scripture time and time again.... and as for ignoring the facts... well, you only have to look at the evidence supporting 586/7 as opposed to 607!
Prejudiced? Surely they fit the mould perfectly.