Possibility vs Probability of JW 'Action'

by VeniceIT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2


    Although I don't like the way the word "cult" is used to discount small religious groups I do agree that JW's have produced a lot of "crap" over the years & always with "reasons". I don't believe JW's are dangerous & a hot-bed of child molesters. But of course movements and countermovements attract a wide spectrum of temperaments and the truth usually is somewhere in the middle.

    If we are to believe that a person named Jesus really said the words at Matthew 10:32-39 then he was the founder of a cult called "Christianity". I personally don't believe he said those words.

  • VeniceIT

    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    ITguy--Yes I guess I was a fanatical JW I admit it! and now I've left have have actually mellowed a lot!!!(Scary eh?)

    The thing is I'm not saying all JW's would, as I said in my post it's just some reflections on my experience and how I was made to feel last summer when this all happend. I guess I do have a bit of fear in the back of my mind about my family, they would if they could to save me and give me everlasting life, what love eh?

    That was the point. People seem to underestimate the JW's. Erica who recently one that trial in Ritzville, had recived death threats from the JW's and had to move in with a Sherif in her town for her protection. That's also why there was extensive police protection at the trial when they annoucnced the verdict there was a REALLY REAL threat from the JW's who had given her death threats and called her a whore!

    You see the JW's that post on here are not the JW's I'm talking about, they're a whole diff bread. I like you too ITGuy and wish my family was more like you, but alas they are not. I was just sharing what I felt was a possibility in my family at least!


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • AlanF

    To Proplog2:

    : Although I don't like the way the word "cult" is used to discount small religious groups

    I agree that the word is often used improperly, and simply to label some group by a nasty term just because they don't go along with the mainstream. However, as long as a user of the term defines it clearly, it's proper to apply it to certain groups. When I use the term, I do so in the sense that Steven Hassan does -- a controlling religious group that uses subtle and overt methods to control the thinking and behavior of adherents, methods that most people find unacceptable when they're explained clearly and illustrated with real-life examples. The "Solar People's Temple" (or whatever it was called) that committed mass suicide a few years ago is a "cult" by almost everyone's definition. JWs are more than a borderline cult by Hassan's definition.

    : I do agree that JW's have produced a lot of "crap" over the years & always with "reasons".

    Which is precisely what other cults do. Cult leaders would have no followers unless they gave "reasons". The problem with cults (using Hassan's definition) is that they often use methods other than simple logical argumentation to convince people to join -- methods that bypass reason and appeal to emotions, but give the appearance of sticking to reason. They also usually use emotionally coercive techniques to prevent followers from leaving. For JWs this includes the very real threat of disfellowshipping, disassociation and labeling the quitter as an undesirable, all with the very real threat of shunning as a knife to the throat.

    : I don't believe JW's are dangerous

    That depends on what you mean by "dangerous". Dangerous to people who never were JWs? No. Dangerous to other JWs and ex-JWs? Definitely! They're dangerous in this way because all it takes is a declaration by a committee of three untrained, often unscrupulous men to cause a person to lose his or her entire lifelong group of family and friends. Do you not agree?

    : & a hot-bed of child molesters.

    I agree that they're not a hotbed, because I believe that the occurrence of molestation is only a bit higher than in society in general. However, they provide an environment where molesters can thrive better than in groups where reporting molesters to the authorities does not carry an implication of severe damage to the image of the "Holy Organization" or an implied threat of shunning those who report. There are examples on the silentlambs website (and plenty more who have not written of their experiences) where JWs who simply reported molestation to secular authorities were DF'd. In how many other groups can a person be excommunicated and shunned for reporting a crime to authorities?

    : But of course movements and countermovements attract a wide spectrum of temperaments and the truth usually is somewhere in the middle.

    True, but without specifics this general statement is not terribly instructive.

    : If we are to believe that a person named Jesus really said the words at Matthew 10:32-39 then he was the founder of a cult called "Christianity".


    : I personally don't believe he said those words.

    I have no idea. But someone thought them up, and they became part and parcel of the Christian cults.


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