OK< PLEASE RE-READ - I totally hate being misunderstood:
"The point is, love is NOT SELFISH - choices are made based upon everyone's feelings and not only the man's."
"But, if going truly by the bible - husbands - according to God are to love thier wives as much as themselves. If this was truly the case, every final decision made by a husband would never make thier wives do something they do not want to do."
and this...
"But, the husband according to God is supposed to love his wife as his own flesh. If I love someone as much as I love myself and I was not selfish, then I would never make somebody do something they do not want to do."
I never said you had to feel the way I do. It just so happens that I DO wear the pants in our family. I make ALL of the choices. But, when my husband says that is the way it is, then he is dead serious. And I listen to him.
If you love someone, truly love them, then you are in subjection to them, male and females BOTH.
I have that veiwpoint regarding my husband because I love my husband and I respect him. The same could be said for him. He tells everyone I run the house because I run the house with love. So, he could say "Men should let women make the final choice becasue it is made out of love." Either way, we respect eachother.
Love is not selfish and it is not always my way or the highway - it should never be that way.
Husband are not the "head" of thier wives but they are usually considered the man of the house.