As you know, my husband Dave (aka AlmostAtheist) IS Atheist. And I'm not. My son came up to me last night and declared that he "doesn't" believe in any kind of Higher Power. Being Eclectic Pagan...this bothered me because I know for me, if I didn't have any kind of "faith", I'd be crushed. The living situation isn't great. We're in a suburban setting, when we would rather be in the country and can't sell our home because around here they are still building and others would rather a new home than an existing one. In debt up to our eyeballs. Our family and friends are not here for us anymore. No money to actually LIVE life and enjoy it, if this IS it. Life just sucks. But when I can go "pray" and do my little rituals. I get a sense of peace inside. I have a bit of hope to carry me on. If I didn't have any kind of faith, I'd go into a very deep depressed state. I NEED faith. My husband isn't like that, he's "comfortable" living this "hellish" life and happy that this is all we get. But his personality will allow for this. I tease (AA) sometimes that he's a "walking computer" because he's a very logical person. So logical that it overrides his emotional side. I'm cool with him being on his path of Atheism and I think it's interesting. But I do want my kids to have faith in something. I worry that, they being emotional themselves, grow up depressed if they don't have any kind of faith to put hope in. Because if they inherited my emotions, then chances are they are not going to feel fulfilled. Or at least I feel they won't be able to because that's how I'd feel if there wasn't anything to believe in.
My son (at age 7) does come to me sometimes in panic over death. He didn't feel this way when he had some kind of hope. Though, I have to admit, I haven't been assertive in what I believed because I was and still am searching what "feels" right to me. Also, I don't want to "push" my beliefs on Zach. In my view, most of us (not all) need to have that bit of faith. I know I do. And from my son becoming in an almost a panic state, seems he does to. So in that...I feel children are better off believing in some kind of faith. What are your views?