I think you and AA are one of the nicest couples to ever grace this forum. I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch at the moment, sometimes life hits the fan and leaves a huge mess for us to deal with. All I can do is give you both a hug and tell you that if you can hang in there, it will get better.
Have you ever thought that both you and Dave are giving your children the best of both worlds? You get to teach them the comforting power of ritual and faith, and Dave's example teaches them to have faith in themselves just as much as you teach them to have faith in something external.
Growing up in the JWs, I believed (and most of us who grew up JW believed) that we had no control over anything, that whatever happened in life was at Jehovah's pleasure - "Jehovah willing" my dad would say when we'd talk about going somewhere other than camping for vacation, and then when we went camping anyways, we weren't supposed to be mad at Jehovah for squashing our hopes. Through all that, I never learned the value of having faith in myself... no matter what I did, if it wasn't what Jehovah wanted, my plans were meant to fall through. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy, really. In the words of Homer Simpson, "If at first you don't succeed, why bother trying?" No wonder I went through my 20's in a state of depression!!
It wasn't until after we left the JWs that I learned how to have faith in myself. We've gone through a variety of crises and stresses, but it didn't affect me the same way they would have if we were still JWs who believed that whatever happened to us was Satan the Devil testing us, or Jehovah allowing us to be tested, and we just had to accept it. Now - being self reliant and having faith in our ability to do what is in our family's best interests - we just do whatever needs to be done to get where we want to be. Little by little, it does get better, and ten years down the road, you'll probably be right where you want to be and wonder how you managed to find the strength to get through everything you're going through now.
Mr Scully has resumed his RC beliefs - he was never a churchgoer growing up, but the rituals and holidays were meaningful to him then and they still have meaning for him now. My experience with the JWs led me to atheism ultimately, but I'm a happier person for it because my life no longer feels like it's out of my control - I can manage things that are thrown at us and realize that I have it in me to cope with it and be successful in spite of it.
You both have an excellent opportunity to show your children the positive things about both your belief systems. Why not run with it and see where it goes?
Luv ya!