I faced a JC meeting after my wife and also a fellow teacher at the computer school where I worked told the elders I was reading Ray Franz's books. My wife left me and then they called the JC meeting. I was the brother's supervisor. At the meeting, the elders told me that he'd written to them TWO YEARS ago when I first told him casually I was reading the books. He never told me he wrote to them. I don't remember telling him about the books. What a coward. If he wasn't 6 feet 8 inches tall, I'd have punched his lights out.
The JC meeting took 3 consecutive Sundays of one hour apiece for those inept bozos to make up their minds. (Sorry, elders don't have minds.) After the second meeting, I told my wife on the phone that the whole thing was a "kangaroo court". She called the elders and told them what I said. The third meeting, the next day, they asked me if I said that. I don't remember saying it, so I said no. They said it was my word against hers so they couldn't do anything. But they reproved me because I acted repentant. I didn't want to be DF'd so that my 16 year old daughter would be forced to ignore me. As it turned out, she stopped having anything to do with me a few years later anyway. I have seen her once in 3 years. I also intimated to the JC that if I got DF'd, there would be some hurting going on. Of course, if I ever told them that now, they would have DF'd me just to show me I don't run things. I was only reproved. But I told them the deal still stands. Anyone doing anything that causes my daughter to ignore me for the rest of my life is going to get badly hurt. Sorry, but someone has to do something to wake these jackasses up sooner or later. I'm sick of the destruction to families and the suicides I see. If someone shot an elder for each person who committed suicide, the DF'ing would soon stop. Bible reason?? "A life for a life."
Elders are the biggest weasels in the world. And JW's who rat out a family member, especially a son or daughter, don't deserve to be parents. The sooner this sick cult is destroyed, the better. Maybe if someone prays to the Zodiac god, an asteroid will fall on Bethel. No loss.