Do you think that if a person was an elder that when he comes on these boards, he still thinks and acts like an elder???
How Do YOU View Ex Elders On This Board?
by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends
Only those who ask a lot of questions...
To the first question in the subject I view them as game.
and to the second question whether they still think and act like an elder - no. I've only met a handful of ex elders Little Toe, Tijkimo, Just2Laws and frankly had there been any elders like them in my congregation I never would have left!
I'm married to an ex-elder; need I say ya Irreverent
The ones that leave are the good ones; all that remains are the mean ones and the ones who let them be mean (for a variety of reasons). Standing up to an elder body can get you a shot to the privates.
Do you think that if a person was an elder that when he comes on these boards, he still thinks and acts like an elder???
Some do, some don't. W
I view them in a positive way. Many had power (such as it is) and gave it up to do what was right. I don't know every ex-elder's personal story, but I appreciate the fact that they are here and willing to share their experiences.
I don't give it much thought. I'm fascinated at times by the insight into the "inner workings" that only they can provide but beyond that, I am far more interested at getting to know people at the soul level, beyond "titles".
Do you have examples of ones who still act like elders here? I can't think of any.
Then again, I never gave elders much credence when I was "in" either. My mother (a staunch JW) would always correct them under her breath about doctrinal matters, pronunciation, sentence structure and word use (she was brutal but unfortunately she found a lot of fodder). So, I guess I learned not to respect elders above any other people from my mother.
Many had power (such as it is) and gave it up to do what was right.
It doesn't seem like I really had much "power" when an elder. Yes, occasionally I served on Judicial Committees--and maybe that's what you mean, but since I used to believe the organization was really being led by God Himself, I saw myself only as a tool (Ha! I said "tool.") And, to tell the truth, while an elder may have some stories to tell, my knowledge of the "inner workings" was nothing compared to someone who actually served in any "privileged" capacity at Bethel.
As an elder, I was every bit as indoctrinated and mentally blind as anyone in the organization.
"ex" is the operative phrase, isnt it?
No power over here...and what is here to "manage"? Elder is only relative as far as the authority the sales company allows these men.
frankly had there been any elders like them in my congregation I never would have left!
Totally agree with that comment; it seems like the truly genuine amongst JW's end up leaving at some point or another!