When I left school I was forced into a Joinery Apprenticeship; social factors including being a Jehovahs Witness made damn sure I was conditioned into believing that this was the 'right thing to do'; but...after working through about 5 positions (redundancies during the building recession of the early nineties) I came to the conclusion that I shouldnt ignore what I had always wanted to do and knew I was more capable of.
I have never been big on manual dexterity but my mind has always been active, I have always been articulate and had always been fascinated with law and eventually I am where I am.
I enjoy my work, its pressurised, its stressful, but at least I am doing something which I am capable of and get a great deal of satisfaction from. I couldnt ask for more really. Although qualified as a Paralegal I am still studying and part of me will always strive for more academically. Yep I would say I have a good job, and largely happy with what I do.
Two fingers to the WTBTS who thought I couldnt do it though