Witness and Food Stamp Scam

by MissBehave 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissBehave

    Hi everyone, been reading here for a long time and have to say how much I enjoy all of your stories, insight and opinions. This is my first time posting but I remembered something today that I thought was worth sharing.

    When I was a teenager and going to the hall (I successfully faded about seventeen years ago), there was a family who would come to the hall in all their Sunday finery (better clothes than we can afford), drove up in their nice luxury vehicle etc. However, they were collecting food stamps and the mother would dress really shabbily to go pick up her monthly supply of stamps. Deception and hypocrisy at it's finest. That used to really irritate me.

    p.s. she would also shop at Dress Barn while she was supposed to be in field service. Nice. Very nice.

  • nicolaou

    Welcome MissBehave! Great name!! So what brings you here after a seventeen year fade?

  • Elsewhere

    Makes ya wonder how many "hours of field service" that are reported in the Watchtower every year are fake.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I knew a family who were on welfare and both parents were able bodied. The father didn't work, well he did sometimes but it was under that table with his brother (a jw too) who did janitorial work. They had six kids and I remember going food shopping with them once when they got their monthly allotment of food stamps. I didn't really understand that maybe they were taking advantage of the system, I was only 12, but looking back on it now...I just shake my head in disgust.


  • lowden

    Welcome Misbehave, hope you have fun here

    Elsewhere that's such a good post...but sooo true. I'd say from 30 to 40% of hous are fake.

    So much hypocrisy, so many lies, so many living a lie.



  • mark hughes
    mark hughes


  • IMustBreakAway

    Yikes i have seen that as well. Hoped it was an isolated incident. The other thing i have seen is deadbeat dad that thinks he doesn't have to keep a real job cause armageddon is a coming and so the family's phone is disconnected.

  • misanthropic

    Nice post. I actually knew a minesterial servant who had his own business. His family had an incredible house and 2 brand new vehicles and they were getting all sorts of state aid and food stamps. Weird.

    And by the way I totally dig your username MissBehave if only I had thought of that one....

  • Mary
    she would also shop at Dress Barn while she was supposed to be in field service

    Yes but she probably 'started her time' by dropping off some back issues of the Craptower and Asleep rags at her local laundromat and just kept her time going while shopping at the Dress Barn.

    Years ago, one of the loser elders in my Hall decided to DA my brother (never baptized) so he convinced two other drones to go along with him. These were the days when those that were DA'd were treated the same as those that were DF'd. I knew the asshole was on Compensation and working under the table, so I phoned Revenue Canada on him. He wasn't a happy camper when he got cut off Comp.

  • MissBehave

    Thanks for all the warm welcome wishes from all you friendly folks! I have sensed a more loving and kind atmosphere on this board than I ever felt at a chilly Kingdom Hall. And Mary, way to go with turning in Brother Shady! That tickles me.

    To answer nicolaou's question, I faded when I was twenty-one after being raised as a witness. Fortunately my family didn't shun me and family relationships and activity continued as normal. I just resigned myself to the fact that the truth was the truth but I couldn't conform and just hoped that at Armageddon Jehovah would see that I really was a good person and had a good heart and not kill me. However a few years ago I started really questioning what I had been taught and examining how I really felt about it. And I truly believed I had been brainwashed and it was all propaganda. After I really did some research (alot of which I've learned from you wonderful folks) I was flabbergasted at what I discovered. Now I think I'm at that stage where I feel that my childhood and formative years were wasted being spent in a cult.

    I really wish Sister Food Stamps would come to my door one day. That would be a hoot!

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