- He states family members expelled from JW congregations are not treated differently by the family.
- He states JWs do not disdain disfellowshipped members or consider them all wicked and demonic.
- He states JWs are allowed to speak to disfellowshipped members.
- He states JWs do not use the word "shun" to describe DF/DA.
- He states the WT did not publish a child custody brochure.
- He states JWs say hello to disfellowshipped members they encounter .
Above quote from Rebel 8
This was the playbook at my DF hearing on January 5 1992 from the Kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts appeal hearing chaired by William Bill Darche.
This proves that this mealy-mouthing lying by elders is A.O.P ( Aproved Operational Proceedings ) established Watchtower policy.
Lets see you bastards COP A PLEA your are A.O.P.--Danny Haszard