Neanderthal man
by scary21 77 Replies latest jw friends
Village Idiot
Cofty, thank you for the correction. There has been some confusion and a change of nomenclature regarding those names. -
Yes hominid has been promoted to include the chimps, gorillas, orangutans etc.
Hominins is more precisely our immediate relatives including all Homo, Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Ardipithecus.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Billy the Ex-Bethelite believes it's still uncertain ( that was a surprise)
LOL! Actually, I've studied enough biology and anthropology (and religion) that I wouldn't say I'm "uncertain". However, it's not my area of expertise. In my opinion, Wikipedia has good coverage of current research and hypotheses.
And I didn't want to get too involved in the debate since I'm a member of the "About 5% Neanderthal Club" and would get my feelings hurt if this turned into a "kill the 'non-human' Neanderthals" thread.The point I was trying to make was to encourage the JW ex-husband to look into the rather fascinating subject for himself. He might "evolve" into an ex-JW.
Brokeback Watchtower
Billy your avatar doesn't look like it has any Neanderthal DNA, but Village Idiot's avatar looks like its got a little more chimpanzee DNA than the general population. 5% well that is probably a good thing that means you got a bigger gene pool and a better chance a survival from diseases and stuff. -
Brokeback Watchtower
Fire! but don't forget I got relatives that will beat you ass up a tree.
This topic is a perfect example of science progressing with new information and how important it is to keep up if you truly want to know the answers. You won't keep up by reading magazines published by window cleaners for window cleaners. Speaking as an ex.....window cleaner :D ......Here is a quote from the UK natural history museum.
"Neanderthal genome
In 2010, about 60 per cent of the entire genetic code of several Neanderthal fossils was revealed for the first time and led to surprising insights into the evolution of our own species. When the Neanderthal genome was compared with those of modern humans from different continents, it showed that modern populations from Europe, Asia and New Guinea shared more genetic information with Neanderthals than present-day Africans do, with around 2.5 per cent Neanderthal DNA in their genetic make-up.
Now that more of the Neanderthal genome has been sequenced, we know that this figure is more like two per cent.
The most likely explanation for this shared DNA is that a small number of Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of today’s Europeans, Asians and New Guineans soon after they left Africa around 60,000 years ago."
As I was once a witness I have s perspective as to why the JW's get scientific information from the Watchtower's writers and not scientists. They dare not look and see themselves and lie inwardly that what they are being told must be true!.... Knowing full well it would be smarter to AT LEAST check the information out! When I eventually left I was gobsmacked at how much was simply untrue/misquoted/out dated/bias. I wished I had checked earlier because 90% is so deceitful it leaves you in NO doubt of the Watchtower's deceit.
But I find it interesting that those coming here are a little perplexed as to what to think/say/do when trying to figure out what is really true and to go about finding out what is true?
I can only think of giving a comparison. Would you turn to Mormons if you wanted to understand how chemotherapy worked in a cancer? Would you turn to a Catholic Protestant if you wanted someone to explain to you the early migration of humans on earth? Would you turn to a green grocer if you wanted to learn about the history of religions? Would you turn to a window cleaner to have the Big Bang explained? Would you ask a 77 year old ex pioneer living in bethel on the intricate details of evolution.....? Good luck even getting a definition of evolution out of them!
We have world experts and you can look at their data and opinions and decide for yourself like EVERY other human does. Letting 8 men you can't name think for you is lazy and dangerous .......and been as I did it.....I'm happy to's bloody stupid too!
Everything they told us was a lie, or in the context of a lie....and that is not taking into account the crazy stuff like aluminium is evil, vaccines are from the devil and that womens brains are smaller than men's etc etc etc .. I talking about the recent claims they make about science! Why on earth WOULD you listen to a writer from a religious brochure!? Go to the source....... EVERYTIME.
P.s......Watch as this chap asks JW's why the magazine is misquoting scientists at 2:26
Snare, does this mean you believe Neanderthals were some kind of human, and not an ape ?
Thank you everyone for the information. Billy thanks for the link. I read the whole thing. (you are so funny)
My ex is one of those people that are NOT a JW but raised up that way and still believes.
He is afraid of the truth ( that Neanderthals were human and not an animal) because that would destroy his faith in the bible. He has said as much in conversations..
Humans and Neanderthals are not the same no..... Neanderthals predate humans. Are they related? Yes. Closely? Yes. Again....
"The most likely explanation for this shared DNA is that a small number of Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of today’s Europeans, Asians and New Guineans soon after they left Africa around 60,000 years ago."
Just as with languages, Latin is not English, but English has lots of Latin within it.