So I was talking to a friend of mine today, who was raised a Protestant but it is some fanatical Protestant group that is EXACTLY like Jehovah's Wittnesses. Her religion has basically the same teachings : the Paradise, disfellowshipping, marrying "only in the Lord" , no college, submissive women; the whole bit! She was even raised around the same terms like us: holy spirit instead of ghost, the "older ones", worldy, bad association, elders, Same cult practices: confessing sins to elders, not attending funerals of D'F, marry young, "apostate' thinking, avoiding books, mags not in accordance with religion, etc But the weirdest thing of all is her 'elders' always stressed to the members to stay away from Jehovah's Wittnesses by all means. And yet, this is the first time I've never once heard of a religion so similar to ours We both came to the conclusion that both the Society and her church leaders have been wanting to keep this a secret-after all we've both been always taught that our" teachings are so different from the world's, that we practice D'F unlike churces who condone such behavior, we are seperate from the world and so guess is it would be quite an eye opener to everyone if they heard of another religion that basically taught those same principles. Does anyone know any information on this particular religion..she said they don't have a website-apparently they frown on the internet too!
Found out there is a religion EXACTLY like JW'S!! And I mean EXACTLY!
by stillAwitness 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh my, another "breed" is forming. Just what we need.
You'd be surprised how many there are.
JW's think they are so special and sometimes that point of view persists among ex-jw's and apostates for quite a while. In truth there is not much to separate Jehovah's Witnesses from the Exclusive Brethren, Christadelphians, Baptists, Mennonites, Amish, Pentecostals, Mormons, Adventists and all the rest.
What's the name? Are you sure they are not 'Bible Students'? those who hold to Russell's teaching? I also ran across a group that was as whacked as jw's long time ago, and even claimed God df'd the jw's and this new group was now the fds! aaaagh! theyr'e everywhere!
"Follow the SHOE!, no, follow the GOURD!...."- Life of Brian
u/d(of the suicide assasins class)
She said it was Protestant but a different denomination of it. I will have to ask her to clarify. Dcary thought to know that JW's aren't the only crazies out ther..ya learn something new everyday
A Paduan
Cults are cults - have a listen from my thread on 'true stories'
In truth there is not much to separate Jehovah's Witnesses from the Exclusive Brethren, Christadelphians, Baptists, Mennonites, Amish, Pentecostals, Mormons, Adventists and all the rest.
Oh yes there is. A big difference. Now I will admit that some faiths do add legalism in the churches and they do indoctrinate beliefs but most christian faiths do teach the truth about Christ. They believe in the trinity God who was Christ and that only through Christ can one be saved. So in my oppinion they are not considered cults. The only exception to these are the non-denomination churches, they don't add legalism etc into their faith or at least none I am familiar with.
And for what I know about cults Jehovahs Witnesses top them all !
Ah that'll be the Jehovah's Weaknesses, not to be confused with THE TRUTH TM
Another one like jws? It'll never catch on.