For unbelievers who refuse to admit that all humans are sinful by nature because of our inheritance this is a concept that they will never grasp unless they turn to the Savior in genuine repentance.
I wonder Honesty and greendawn, how do you define "sin"? You know, what is perceived as "sin" in tennesee may be considered "virtue" in some african tribes or other cultures. Sin is defined by culture and societal and historical context, it has NO MEANING in and of itself. That "semantic" reality, in and of itself causes your template of perception and morality to come crashing down into meaninglessness. Now, what is a saviour? YOUR SAVIOUR? Thats great for you, but there are billions of OTHER human beings on this planet that would consider mohammed or buddha, or Krishna THEIR saviour, so I suppose in your conception of reality, these other billions of human beings will all be condemned to hell for not adhering to your conception of reality? Your conception of morality? Can you not see how utterly absurd and ridiculous this mode of thinking is?
For the record, I dont consider you a crackpot, just a completely deluded individual who has willingly shut off his mind to alternative interpretations of the world around him, and that is truly a sad state of affairs. 100 years from now, we will BOTH be rotting in the ground, equally dead, neither in heaven nor in hell. The difference is, I dont intend to waste my life living a delusional fantasy about some hypothetical wonderland after my existence ends. I will enjoy my life in the here and now, and accept that life is full of suffering, always has been and always will be until the sun burns out of the sky......