Who would win in a fist fight? A dub or a mormon and why?
Who would win?
by DigitalFokus 21 Replies latest jw friends
The dub would win because Mormon males aren't accustomed to fighting like girls.
Well, I think the Mormon might win because he's probably packing a bike chain/lock. The dub might be able to use his little briefcase but...at the very end, the Mormon can always take off on his bike or run the dub over..
The mormon since he likely grew up with several brothers and sisters and had to have gotten into scraps.
The dub would have only one or maybe none.
The question I'd like to know is - what are they fighting over? Who has the greatest cult?
It would depend on luck, who has the heaviest book to whack around the others head, or who pulls the tie first.
Actually, the dub might not even fight. He might just run like hell because he mistakenly assumes he can't count his time while fighting.
Could be either, depends on who has the gun.
Definitely the Mormon...
Every JW male I ever knew was a TOTAL pussy. "Cept for the few that converted and grew some balls in their previous life.
I think the Dub would win... he would try to reason with him until the guy got sick of him and left...
Who would win in a fist fight? A dub or a mormon and why?
Well if the dub is in field service then the big angels on either shoulder would help him win.