Didn't I see on History channel that the Mormons used to attack non-Mormons who tried to settle in old west utah? The governer had to call out the national guard to restore order or some such.
Who would win?
by DigitalFokus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hands down the Mormon.
JWs are lazy and drive around in a car while Mormons ride their bikes everywhere which keeps them in shape.
I think the dub would win. Most dub males I know have a lot of pent-up anger. If they crossed the line enough to enter a fistfight, I think the rage would give them an edge. Most mormons I have met seem more secure in their beliefs(delusions?).
Atypical was thinking exactly what I was thinking. Plus, when you take into account the amount of bros who are leading double lives, I think the jdub would have a pretty good chance at knocking out the lds cult member.
Maybe MTV could revive Celebrity Deathmatch and have Joseph Smith go up against Charles Russell. Joe may have some heavy gold tablets, but you can't count out ol' Charley busting the end of a whiskey bottle and cutting Joe with it.
Lol... I agree with Jourles! Lets get in contact with MTV... :)
Now, if it was a JW elders wife involved things could get messy. Some of those elders wives were scary.
The Dub, I've seen the way some brothers fight, the mormons would be too worried about getting their shirts creased
Like someone said earlier, witnesses have alot of pent up anger. It would be unleashed.
A mormon - they will fight in the army - so the yhave no problems with violence if necessary
JWs are lazy and drive around in a car while Mormons ride their bikes everywhere which keeps them in shape.
While I would agree with that statement. I think the dub would win, they have no problem kicking you while your down.