No natural disasters, that must just kill them.
What "kills" JW enthousiasm?
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
Continuing to breathe, in this old wicked system.
What killed my enthusiasm was that I couldn't conscientiously try to convert people to JWism - not after being treated so badly by the JWs myself.
When you don't get Oooo's and Aaaaah's with your super duper, Jehohum-inspired logic.
When you get cornered and have to admit that everybody on earth except JWs will be slaughtered at Armageddy.
When important stuff gets changed and you're sitting there in the Kingdumb Hall scratching your head wondering wtf is going on.
Lack of Love in the congregation.
The Stick rather than the Carrot
Things got pretty bad in my congregation when this girl DA'd herself.
When a "brother" that is idolized (the charismatic one with an education, that all Dubs go googoo over and brag about..."He used to be the CEO of xyz Corp / or was in th NBA/ or was in a rock band... and left it all to be with us dumbshits"...falls from grace.
They are sooo enamored with their local "celebrities"...and CO's.
When one causes a GREAT upset!
u/d(of the then they just say...pride before a crash class)
APOSTATES....and free will
The fact that the end was postponed indefinitely that is the real consequence of the new generation definition though they are trying to play it down. According to that definition the end may be centuries away.
When the "apostates" do well in life contrary to what the WTS tells them about those that leave their org. -
When a JW opens their mouth! (that killed it for me)