JW's- Have they lost their ability to think?

by Vitameatavegamin 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla



    After several members posted legitimate questions and made inferences concerning the 'double-life" syndrome prone to average witness behavior, you have neither responded intelligently, nor provided additional facts or evidence.

    -um, couldnt have said it better myself


    -absolutely, though hell never admit it. hell just say he doesnt follow the beliefs that dont "make sense" to him. lol, what a joke.


  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott


    The reason I asked the question about the rules is because you said:

    "Than you cry about those who beleive rules dont apply to them."

    This implies your familiarity with WT rules. Only now you say:

    "I am not aware of any rules."

    Which is it man?

    Personally, I'm glad to hear of a dub who flies in the face of WT rules and dogma. I knew some like you when I was growing up a jw. Unfortunately I was never very good at the double-life thing.


  • dubla


    Than you cry about those who
    beleive rules dont apply to them.

    -um, first off, i dont think anyone is crying about your hypocritical double life. were only meaning to point out that it IS hypocritical, just as most jws ARE hypocritical (which, dont they claim to be the one true religion, free of hypocrisy??). if youre admitting that you dont "believe the rules" apply to you, as youve indicated in the above quote, then i think were all done arguing the point with you. THATS ALL WE WERE GETTING AT, youre a typical fence rider, and youre now openly acknowledging it. thanks for ending the controversy.


  • nytelecom1

    your attempts at calling me a hypocrit are beyond boring.
    This is the last resort to most people.....name calling

    In order for me to lead "a double-life" as most of you
    have clung to, I would need to "hide" something.
    As I stated before and as this thread was started, I do
    not "hide" anything. The elders are aware my "association"
    and of my attitude towards certain "suggestions"

    Read your elder's manual. I close this issue satisfied with your defeat, although you cannot be validated as a worthy opponent, since you engaged in a battle of wits completely unarmed! A pyrrhic victory at our expense, but a victory nonetheless

    I told you I am an m.s..I thought you had full knowledge of the truth..I always love self proclaimed victory----i think hussein did the same........

  • LDH

    When he says:

    "dont associate"
    he really means "don't associate"

    dont see it in print thannobody has a right to enforce
    he really means "then"

    the very grain that many of you hold dear too.
    he really means "that many of you hold dear"

    ..i dont have the time to scroll throgh
    he really means "I don't have the time to scroll through"

    these people are disfellowshipped, not lepars
    he really means "lepers"

    Than you cry about those who beleive rules dont apply to them
    he really means "THEN you cry about those who believe rules don't apply to them"

    So, pray tell NYT, who would *YOU* of all people be giving someone advice on proper syntax and correct grammar?

    I know our educational system in the US taught you to finish reading a sentence.

    We see through your double talk like it's a pane of plate glass. We all know someone just like you. What we can't figure out is, if we're such liars and hypocrits, WHY in the name of Jehovah would you spend time here daily since you signed up on July 22, 2001? It's easy. We provide you with the mental stimulation you can't get from being around all the Dumbs. It's ok, we know and accept apologists like yourself. And we'll still be here when you wake up and smell the coffee.

    I disassembled your statement that 'you never said you didn't understand' with quotes from your earlier posts and then you backpedaled and tried to make it seem as though the exclusionary clause as such changed the meaning of your statement that 'you didn't understand.'

    P.S., If you are at all interested in reading the Secret Elder's Manual, here's the link. We've already read it, and it's just not right that a M.S. in good standing hasn't had a chance to read it yet!

    * http://www.geocities.com/Elders_Book/2index.html

  • nytelecom1

    Let me get this straight....you spent all this time looking
    for grammatical errors??....that's just plain sad.

    I disassembled your statement that 'you never said you didn't understand' with quotes from your earlier posts and then you backpedaled and tried to make it seem as though the exclusionary clause as such changed the meaning of your statement that 'you didn't understand.'

    umm...now.. I never "backpedaled"...I would have no need to change the meaning of something you never understood.

    Just out of curiosity, LDH and please dont be offended...are you by
    any chance overweight?

  • LDH

    HA HA HA

    are you by any chance overweight?

    Anyone that's seen my pic care to tackle that one?

    Truthfully NYT, it really didn't take all that long to find all of your grammatical errors. And I was nice enough to post only the most egregious. (Look that one up.)

    Just out of curiosity, NYT, and please don't be offended, are you by any chance Black?

  • nytelecom1
    HA HA HA

    do you actually laugh when you do this??

    Just out of curiosity, NYT, and please don't be offended, are you by any chance Black

    no, I wouldn't be black. But now I know you are racist which
    explains alot

  • Stacey

    *SIGH*, why cant we all just get along? NY, I've watched your posts over the past few months. I've always wondered your stand on things and why you are here. Hey, if you can get away with what none of us could, then more power to your jw self.

    I think some of us are just hurt and upset that our congregations did the black and white thing. Sounds like you've got it made with those grey areas, and that's not really fair when eternal fates are at stake. All I can say is to each his own. I dont get you. But what does that matter.

    Peace man,

  • Gopher

    Wow, this is turning into MTV Celebrity Death Match! If this had been going on over H2o, both of your last posts would be toast! Probably even mine. Heck, I'm just reacting out of a bit of emotion myself and probably should shut up..... But I just can't resist...

    Nice ad hominem attack on LDH, about possibly being fat! Way to stick to the issues, my man!

    Nice comeback. I loved 'egregious' ... and your tongue-in-cheek ad hominem comeback, "are you black"?

    C'mon everybody, you're making me laugh so hard, I'm not getting any work done at the office. Heck, reading this board could be my full time job, but it sure doesn't pay much!!!

    By the way, who started this thread and what was it about?

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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