A designer needs a designerer. A designerer needs a designererer, etc, and each one is greater than the downstream deigned.
by DigitalFokus 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A designer needs a designerer. A designerer needs a designererer, etc, and each one is greater than the downstream deigned.
A designer needs a designerer. A designerer needs a designererer, etc, and each one is greater than the downstream deigned.
I'll take it from here Satanus and see if we both can find him.
A designererer needs a designerererer and a designererer needs a designererererer and a designerererer needs a designererererer and a designerererer needs a designerererererer and a designerererererer needs a designererererererer and a designerererererererer needs a designerererererererererer and a ....
k, I'm tired.....anyone else wanna take over? I think we've almost located him.
Gumby.......goes out and takes a dubbie break
The official God FAQ, I'm sure this link has been posted before.
Hey Victorian Sky which Rosetti is your avatar? The title escapes me I'm afraid, although I have seen it before.
First cause is an argument used by a lot of "creationists.." or people who believe in intelligent design. The idea that cause and effect rule the cosmos and therefore the universe existing must have a cause. Being interested in science myself i have always found it interesting how quantum states can have no cause. They at this point seem so random that life seems completely without order. I used to wonder how a "God of order" could allow this to happen. I was struggling with the concept of first cause and thought for sure that it had to be true. But i don't think it is. A random quantum equation is what triggered the big bang. There need not be a cause.
So what is our purpose in life? Why are we here? I've quoted this before but it bears repeating. "There ain't no answer, there ain't never been an answer, and there ain't never going to be an answer. That's the answer!" Life is a joke. Enjoy and good laugh and then fade into the background noise. How is that future bleak? If you want to be immortal than join the Transhumanists. They are looking for a practical solution through technology.
I agree with IMUSTBREAKAWAY, these questions have been asked for as long as man has been able to ask them. I agree with you DF, there doesn't seem to be anything to prove to me that god does exist. At least not any of the ideas of god that have been painted for me thus far.
I am all for someone proving me wrong one day. I think my world would be easier to deal with if I could see a chance that there is a god. I think a lot of people think atheists are people who are angry and want to be mad at god. That's not always true. I think a lot of atheists would love to have the "safe place" of *hoping* there is a god, but they are the type that would rather see the whole story however, ugly it is.
You are using that good old noggin of yours huh?! It's great to ask and question. Let me know what you come up............
I believe there is something out there, but I always get caught up on Who created God? Does he have a higher power? Parents? How was he brought to be?
Who created God? Does he have a higher power? Parents? How was he brought to be?
Evolved out of potential through random chance.
The love of the greater number will cool off.
I believe there is something out there,
Yes, there is lots out there. But, it's doubtful that you will find god out there. God can be sensed from the inside, your inside.
The love of the greater number will cool off.
Ain't that a bit off topic? I understand though. My brain used to play those stored up tapes/sound bites as well, when someone pushed the play button. I guess that it probably still does, but they are different ones, now, and i try to keep control of the buttons. S