Is there a God/supreme being/ or what?!

by DigitalFokus 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flyphisher
    A designer needs a designerer. A designerer needs a designererer, etc, and each one is greater than the downstream deigned.

    See mathematics or logics. Is there a need for a "designer" who had DESIGNED the laws of mathematics or logics ?

    I think, that this "infinite regress" is too trivial.

  • lonelysheep
    some just plain hate God (which to me means they still belive in God, and then some do not believe in a God whatsoever.

    While growing up and struggling to want to believe in a god rather than accept my true-to-the-heart feeling that there was no such thing, I hated him. Hatred wasn't a good feeling at all, and I've made peace with what I feel and know.

    DF, I hope regardless of what you come to believe inside, that it is one that brings you peace.

  • fjtoth

    I thought the question was "Is there a God?" How did we get into "Who created God?"? The fact remains that there is overwhelming evidence of design everywhere. Design within the known universe requires a designer. As I see it, that just might not be necessary outside the universe that our finite minds are able to comprehend.

  • startingover
    I thought the question was "Is there a God?" How did we get into "Who created God?"?

    How about this...Because you brought it up!

  • JamesThomas

    The answer is so very close and simple that it is veiled by the complexity of the mind.

    Be still. What remains when consciousness takes a step out of the fragmented-jabber-of-the-mind and all its abstract questions, beliefs and ideas?

    There is the wondrous vastness of conscious being and existing, there is actuality and reality, there is what IS. When the mind is still and quite there is no need to for conscious awareness to subtract Source and Sustenance (God) from what IS, from itself.


  • IMustBreakAway
    As I see it, that just might not be necessary outside the universe that our finite minds are able to comprehend.

    The closest thing that i have to faith is that the universe is knowable. It might be beyond me and my lifespan, but utimately it's mysteries will be revealed. If we study enough, learn enough, explore enough. We will know the cosmos..

  • DigitalFokus

    Its possible that IF there is a God, he might actually have nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible. He might be a surpreme being. but just not be affilitated with that man author'd book.

  • GodisRight

    I know that there is a God. I am a designer myself. I doubt that if life came by accident, we would look the way we do. If we are accidents, then why don't we have disfigured forms and shapes. Why do we have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot? Why not three fingers on one hand and seven on the other? Look into the mirror at your face. You have two eyes on the same level. Two ears on the same level. Two eye browns on the same level.

    Men, can you look at Angelina Jolie and think at the same time that this beautiful woman is the result of an accident?

    Women, can you look at Ben Afflick and think at the same time that is the work of evolution?

    I for sure don't think so. I had some pancakes this morning that tasted really good.

    What about the beautiful sky at sunset. I believe there is a God and I know that He is good.

    One more thing. I know for a fact that psychics exist! How would any of you explain them?

  • DigitalFokus
    One more thing. I know for a fact that psychics exist! How would any of you explain them?

    How does that prove that its the God of the Bible we know?

    I appreciate your point very much though


  • Brigid

    <<Be still.>>

    You nailed it, JThomas.


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