Elders comment regarding "apostates" at WTS 3 weeks ago

by XBEHERE 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    He basically said that these opposers will even use WT literature to draw you away from Jehovah but they use it out of context and misquote it. How is it even possible to do this? The majority of the articles used on the internet that I have read either on here or other sites to prove how stupid the doctrines are have the entire article posted so how is that out of context? Such a hypocritical statement when this very tactic is peppered throughout their literature to begin with.

    I guess I was the only one that got irritated by his comment so I had to go "use the bathroom" and sit in the library for the rest of the stupid meeting.

  • luna2

    He probably meant that without the proper spin and commentary that you get during a meeting at the Hall of Dubs that it would be easy to "misunderstand" what the loving brudders in Brooklyn meant to convey. Nothing like having to have the WTS's explaination of the Bible explained to you because you might start seeing inconsistancies, lack of proper references and all the double speak if your attention isn't directed and deflected to follow the path of "correct" thinking.

  • xjwms

    When we see how well Blondie does the review we are able to pick up the buzz words used in the articles.

    At the wt study the conductor does not high-light the buzz words only the carrot words.

    Every one there just goes along with it as I did for so many years.

  • garybuss

    Witness "context", really should read "compartment". Witnesses write and think in compartments, hermetically sealed rooms. The reason they HAVE to stay in those compartments is, they do not practice equal application of principle. Ray Franz uses the good example of Witnesses allowing blood substitution while not allowing military employment substitution. They said for military employment, substitution equals equivalency . . . but for blood medical treatment substitution does NOT equal equivalency.

    Those quotes HAVE to be used only in their "compartments" or they don't make sense. That's what Witnesses are talking about when they say context. Context does not mean context.

  • Finally-Free
    He basically said that these opposers will even use WT literature to draw you away from Jehovah but they use it out of context and misquote it.

    So what is he really saying? Is he saying that Jehovah's Witnesses are too stupid or incompetent to go back and re-read the quoted articles in context for themselves? Isn't that what their CDs and bound volumes are for? Since the WT literature was written by "Jehovah's spirit directed organization™" can't it stand on its own merit? Or will they now have to impose censorship on even their own writings?


    Or will they now have to impose censorship on even their own writings?

    They practice a form of censorship already. On the WT Library cdrom the WT's only go back to 1950 and the Awakes to 1970. If you are seen to be reading older literature its "suspicious".

  • BluesBrother

    When I first used the net, I was very suspicious of quotes. I thought they all may be false. But I checked as many as I could. I still do. Honestly, I have hardly found a one that was out of context. We see a need to show the truth . Anyway , we do not need to stretch the point , the dub reality is quite bad enough!

    I think that many dubs do as i did, which is to rationalise on what is written. I mean that as normal people they are tuned off by genocide, so when the WT talks about Armageddon they tell themselves that it does not really mean that - it is really a loving judgement, because that is what they want it to be ..

    But it is them that are glossing over the writings and ignoring the truth of what is written

  • carla

    You know how many 'cult experts' tell you to use their own literature? Well, here is the wt answer to that! Not only that but I have noticed (when and if we even have a discussion these days) about anything jw, he says that my 'idea' or 'concept' or even 'thought' came from apostates. So he doesn't really hear anything. It doesn't matter if it is a question about a scripture and context of script, he will ask where I go the 'idea'. As if I can't read for myself?! hmph!

  • atypical

    What a shameless tactic. The society figures out what is the biggest threat, and then cleverly discredits the source.

    Do they even realize that they are discrediting themselves? They are showing that they really do take the rank and file as a bunch of fools. They are sitting around studying the society's words, and talking about how they should be careful about reading the society's words!!!!!!!

    My head hurts!!

  • itsallgoodnow

    I suppose they think "out of context" actually means "we don't believe that anymore, so it doesn't apply and should never be brought up in conversation again. References to what we used to believe are not fair play".


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