I'm not used to starting threads, but I ran across a web site the other day that set my mind churning. The site was called "The Atheists Manifesto", and I think I heard about it from someone on this board. But, anyway, it mentioned a couple of things that seemed compelling:
1. When it comes to Thor and Zeus and
Quetalcoatl, we are all atheists. This seems important, but I can't firmly grasp why.
2. Our world is a hose job, not because we are necessarily hosers; but, because of religion. We have left fixing the place up to "God". Therefore, unless we all become atheists, the world will never be improved.
The question that has came to mind about that time is whether religion is strictly for the individual, that is, was only designed to be implemented on an individual basis and, therefore, begins to break down and become worse than useless when humans attempt to apply it on a group scale. It hadn't previously occurred to me that, prior to baptism, I was treated as an individual (as I gather from this site that, many also were) and it was only after baptism, that is, when I became part of the group, that things began to be "expected". It was no longer my personal choice to attend a meeting, it suddenly became mandatory, for at the very least I was expected to "show my support" for the group.
Thinking back over the Bible accounts, all of the prophets were treated an an individual basis, each "good " example of a "righteous" person was listed by name and/or otherwise set apart as a singular person; political/national boundaries were set aside by God in his determination of individual fate(s). Now, I know there are examples of God killing national groups, like the Philistines, and so forth, but does that negate the rest?
Any how, all that blathering aside, my question is this:
As Prot, from the planet KPAX, eloquently noted, "All intelligent creatures know right from wrong.", and it seems that religion on an individual basis lends credence to each individual that, in essence, "virtue is its own reward"; but, at what point does religion begin to fall apart? Is it population dependent? (okay if less than 3, 30, 300, 3000? A waste of time for larger groups?) It doesn't appear to be diety linked (less Thor would still be the guy)? Why is it that no matter what the religion, what the god, the reward, the cost, the hope, the past, etc. religion has always failed us, or, at least, failed to deliver on its promises?