hi everyone,
i'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'. So heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think. and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them?? They obviously belive everything i'v told them. Last but not least how did you feel when you decided to leave, i have been having really bad dreams about armageddon and the demons etc..and feelings of being panicky/fearful, part of me thinks what if i am going crazy or being mislead.. also a feeling of emptiness that everything i built my life on feels like a lie?? I know in mind though what i have to do but it would be nice to know if these feelings are 'normal' (whatever that is)