feelings on leaving

by beezknees 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    i have been having really bad dreams about armageddon and the demons etc..and feelings of being panicky/fearful, part of me thinks what if i am going crazy or being mislead

    What you have to do is to start tearing down these beliefs to do that you need to start at the foundations.

    The Governing body have told so many lies to back up their claim that they are the faithful and discrete slave, lying about the fall of Jerusalem, the "qualifications" of their people who translated the new world translation, lying over the blood issue, lying about their involvement with the UN and lying about owning stocks and shares in companies that make weapons and cigarettes. Who's the father of the Lie?

    Did you know that the person who started the Jw's was a convicted conman who went around selling what he called "Miracle Wheat" to farmers that was suppose to be blessed by god... it turned out to be just normal wheat. Russell was a lying cheating conman and as Jesus once said, you don't get good fruit from a bad vine.

  • freedomlover

    frist of all, welcome to the board!

    I'm very happy for you that you found this place.

    I have left the org. this past year also. 3o, like you, and have two kids, like you. I too wanted to tell my parents, well at least my dad. My advice is "one thing at a time." You should know that what you described about feeling crazy one minute, the dreams, etc. - all totally normal. I think everyone here can attest to that. Give yourself some time to deal with your own feelings before you worry about the kids and your parents. Just so you know, one of my most fears was what do I tell my kids? In all honesty they have been fine with everything. They will follow your lead. An apology and admitting you may have been wrong about some things works wonders with them also.

    keep reading and posting. worry about your parents down the road.

    good luck - freedomlover

  • beezknees

    hi freedomlover great to know things worked out well with the kids, i think the general feeling coming through to me is to hold off a bit with the parents, although i know i will have to do this sometime as we live next door to each other!! I know i will have to lay some ground rules down with them could just see the comments they will try to make to the children!! thanks again I'm glad i've found this place

  • jeeprube

    Hi Beezknees, welcome to the board! What you're going through right now is something most of us here have also gone through. It's very tough! Don't give up, and don't allow fear or guilt to cloud your mind.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi beez2neez, and welcome to the forum, it's good to have you here.

    What you are going through is similar to what many on here have experienced. I know when I started having doubts, I tried hard to ignore them, the jws just had to have the truth, so I thought, and it's hard to admit to yourself, let alone anyone else, that you have been completely duped. I am lucky in that I don't have family in the org, I came in and went out all on my own, which made leaving a lot easier. I didn't do much of a fade, I da'd not that long after I stopped attending meetings.

    Now that worked for me - it's made the healing process, which everyone who leaves goes through, much easier without having elders and other former friends bothering me. The same may work for you, or perhaps fading for a while longer may be the better option. The only advice I would give you is to do what you are most comfortable with. If leaving completely is a difficult choice at the moment, then fade awhile longer, till you a feel strong enough to make the final break. One thing you can absolutely rely on, whenever you come on here you will get plenty of genuine help and support - our friendship is non - conditional.

    Whatever you do, I wish you and your family well



  • serendipity

    HI beezknees, welcome to the forum!

  • TopHat
    Did you know that the person who started the Jw's was a convicted conman who went around selling what he called "Miracle Wheat" to farmers that was suppose to be blessed by god... it turned out to be just normal wheat. Russell was a lying cheating conman and as Jesus once said, you don't get good fruit from a bad vine.

    Jekell? Do you have that information about Russell anywhere on the Net? I would dearly love to read it! Thanks

  • Balsam

    Welcome to the forum,

    It is always tough when it comes to leaving and trying to figure out how to deal with believing family members. As for your parents, it is best just to say as little as possible and be evasive. They have based their whole life on this religion and it is upsetting to them to think their children consider it a bunch of nonsense. Which it is of course only they have blinders on refuse to see the truth about their so called troof. It is sad and it just a matter of taking it one day at a time.

    As for your children just gradually start teaching them that God is very loving and merciful and some times religion just does not protray it accurately. Kids are very smart and they adjust quickly.

    When I left the religion 5 years ago my sons were 17 & 13, and my oldest one left easily. The 13 year old came out gradually in about 2 years as he saw the lies clearly.

    Be patient with yourself, your husband and your children change comes slowly and gradually. Hang in there and just take it one day at a time.


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