AGHHHHHHHHHH, He thinks it's cool I think it's grosss! Any suggestions that you think may help to persuade him from going through with it ?
My eighteen yr. old son wants to get his lip pierced !!!!
by troubled mind 28 Replies latest social family
you cannot talk an (male)18 year old out of anything that he thinks is cool... I was 18 once...
troubled mind
I know , I know.... but I thouhgt I might give it a chance . I would hate to see him get a scar on his face , and infection really concerns me.
Dr Jekyll
18 yr olds still get into fights. If its a ring he stands a fair chance of having his lip ripped open if the ring gets caught in a fight, if its a stud there's a fair chance that during a fight the stud could shatter a tooth if he takes a punch straight on the pierced area.
Body piercings don't have to be permanent - I'd say don't worry. If he's discussing it, he's unsure - and like I said - a lip ring is easily removed and no damage.
troubled mind
Oh god ! I hadn't thought about that ! EWWWWWWW now I'm really worried . I know he will come up with a reason that , that will never happen to him.
Ultimately, he's going to do what he wants to do. He is 18 after all.
You might suggest to him that others who have gotten pierced have regretted it later in life. But he can also suggest to you that there are plenty of pierced people who have remained perfectly happy with it. You would both be right.
Dr Jekyll
There is *one* way you could talk him out of it. lol
Tell him you've noticed that facial piercings are really in with "gays" (use that term, it'll make him wince lol) then go right over the top with the concerned mommy act and ask him if hes gay, he'll flip that his mum thinks hes gay and forget the idea
Finish off the conversation with something like "look honey I don't mind if my little babys gay, why don't you bring your boyfriend home for dinner one Sunday"
Of course this could all go horribly wrong and backfire if he really is gay
troubled mind
That's what he told me ....a small ring won't leave a scar if he takes it out .
Maybe, I am way too much of a Radical thinker.....
I don't see the harm in it. I would rather my Child punch holes in their body, tattoo it up, shave or color their hair pink, than do drugs, unprotected sex...etc.
Let them do it, and be thankful it isn't your body.