small ring won't leave a scar if he takes it out
Untrue. The size of the ring doesn't matter. He will have the hole for life.
by troubled mind 28 Replies latest social family
small ring won't leave a scar if he takes it out
Untrue. The size of the ring doesn't matter. He will have the hole for life.
At 18 a boy thinks his parents are fools.
At 21 he's surprised how much they've learnt in the last three years.
*serious side*
You could point out that a prospective employer might not like it and it might cost him a job.
Ask him to talk to a dentist first. That dissuaded my daughter from getting a lip piercing.
I'm 32 and have two piercings. One in my upper left ear and another on my right eyebrow. There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't change the person one really is on the inside. And when the time comes, the piercings dissapear and that's it. Pericings are not permanent like, lets' say tattoos (of which I have one and will get a few more).
Thanks Emma , that is a good idea he has a dentist appointment coming up. Dr. Jekyll- Your post cracked me up , thanks I needed a good laugh
Yeah at least hes not getting his sprinkler system pierced (yet)
the piercings dissapear and that's it. Pericings are not permanent
Your experience has differed vastly from mine and others I know. I had two piercings in one ear and one in the other. All three left holes and I've not worn mine for several years now.
I realize it doesn't change who he is , it's more about me being worried it will turn out bad for him . I personally don't dislike piercings on other people , Except EyEbrow ones ...I just have the urge to yank them out ....sorry Mastodon. Is it just the coming of age fad for kids today , or is there an underlying emotional problem linked to wanting to tatoo and put holes in yourself ?
troubled mind
If I were you I would keep your son away from jousting knights and swordfish or he might end up with a bigger piercing that he has planned