I think that those here might find this interesting. I wrote this letter to a JW friend regarding the word Jehovah in the New Testament.
It is a summary of information that I've collected and some original information.
I would be interested in feedback.
Here is the link...
It's a PDF file.
P.S. Edited to fix link.
A letter to a JW friend regarding Jehovah in the NT
by vbMark 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
For me, the most stunning thing is seeing how Jesus and others deeply avoided using the name. The Lord's Prayer proves the opposite
of what Witnesses claim. Clearly, Jesus preferred to call God "Father", not "Jehovah". So did Paul when he said "there is to us one
God, the Father". So did John who never used the name Jehovah at all in any of his letters, not even in the New World Translation.
Very well written and very in-depth. I would just have to wonder if a JW will read this entire work? Seems they don't like their foundations shaken and as such will not read anything that makes a vibration! (haha)
Good letter, anyway. I hope it has the result you desire. -
For some reason I get an empty page...
Welcome to the board!
I remember reading about Jehovah not being in the NT shortly after I left and I was just blown away. If it was suppose to be so important then you know the early Christians would have used the name constantly as JW's do. I've brought that up to JW's a few times and I get blank stares. The completely don't get that their organization added it in the NWT.
Interesting point Balsalm. Not only does it not appear in the NT, as far as I am aware it does not appear in any of the Ante Nicene works either. Can anyone verify that for me?
I have discussed this with my mother and she is convinced that if the WTS says it was originally there, then it was there, regardless of the proof otherwise. Very sad.
Can't print it out, either.
Indeed the Christians didn't use the name Yahveh a Hebrew word which means "the one that is" or "the one that exists". God's name can't be for ever described fully by words from any human language Hebrew or otherwise.
Why the JWs got this obsession with the name Yahveh I don't know but even the verse they use in Isaiah to justify being called JWs is twisted to suit them.
There it says you will be (not called) my witnesses meaning that the Jews were to see wondrous works from Him and thus be able to witness to others and verify that such works did indeed occur. Unlike those worshipping false gods.