well? What would humanity do without some belief in an almighty, in a divine in something?
how has it shaped the way modern man thinks?
would we better off or worse, without a belief in that which is divine?
by BlackSwan of Memphis 84 Replies latest jw friends
well? What would humanity do without some belief in an almighty, in a divine in something?
how has it shaped the way modern man thinks?
would we better off or worse, without a belief in that which is divine?
To answer the title, we would invent god (which we did).
Nietzsche spoke of the coming of the Overman, to whom modern man would be as apes are to us, a laughingstock. The Overman would base his entire existence in the immediate present world and would not seek any transcending meaning of life.
I'm not sure if his prophecy will ever come true, it seems that living day-to-day with the consciousness of being alone in an indifferent universe is something few people even want to consider, let alone aspire to.
It's a hard question to answer. Perhaps roy is right, because belief in god is based on fear of the unknown/not understood/lack of knowledge. Those negative traits are a natural phase after our evolutionary ascendency from apes (monkeys have a lot of fears). What i am saying is, no fears = no belief in god. If humanity was absent of fear, security and happiness could well be much more common.
I haven't seen an uprising of athiests yet.
Define God
Bryan said:
I haven't seen an uprising of athiests yet.
W the exception of communism. But then, imo, that communism was/is a religion. Otherwise, the nature of atheists is a lot less likely to move them to uprise than the nature of the religious.
how has it shaped the way modern man thinks?
I feel it defines a law of morality. I think? Or else why care what happens to whomever. Does moral behavior evovle?