Hi Lee,
I'm sorry to hear of Alan's passing and your experience. I remember he was a lot more down to earth than many in the congregation. When he first moved to our congregation some of the "brothers" insisted on pronouncing his last name the French way, apparently influenced by a certain French undersea explorer. I seem to remember Alan and family kept to the Anglosized way. I'm glad you were there at the end.
A little catching up: my son graduates high school this year. He has been accepted at one university and is still waiting to hear from others. He still hasn't decided on whether he will enlist in the Navy or Coast Guard instead and serve in the military first before college. Our daughter will be a year old in a few days time. My relationship with my parents has often been strained. However, they are making plans to come visit us and to see their 12th grandchild. My Dad's health hasn't been too good and this may be his last big trip. I hope they decide to visit later this year as the next chance for us to meet up will not be until the fall next year when we hope to visit England.
Best regards to you and yours,
S. (3rd)
PS I had second thoughts about the Masonic hall bit and almost put a disclaimer about hoping not to fuel the Masons and Russelite connection debate.