Share your most embarassing moments

by DigitalFokus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • deeskis


    well every year we go to a conference at the snow. Good way to tax deduct your ski trip.

    anyway this day, a couple of years ago, we skiied hard all day, had no lunch. then went straight to lectures in our ski clothes. We had happy hour there, got a little tipsy, then went back to another couples unit and got a little more tipsy. Rolled back to our place around 7.30pm.

    stuck a frozen curry in the microwave, said "i'm not feeling well, going to lie down", tripped over a mattress my youngest had made up at the foot of our bed. fell flat on my face, soft landing but i wouldn't have felt it anyway. Then couldn't help myself, the chunder flowed!

    Embarrassing thing was a friend of ours had crashed at our unit for a couple of days, he was in the lounge room at the time. He fed the kids for us and got them to bed. He had to leave early the next morning to go back to work. He left this classic caricature of me and my husband with bloodshot eyes and hammers banging our heads.


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    On holiday, we'd gotten a bit carried away amongst the dunes on a very secluded beach. We were stark bollock naked and going away at it when I heard this weird animal noise. I looked up and directly above us coming over the top of the sand dune was the first of a line of camels carry a load of German tourists!

  • Mary

    A few years ago, I had gone to the dentist for 2 root canels. For some reason, the freezing wouldn't take and he must've stuck about 10 needles in my mouth to get it to freeze. The next day, I was at the doctor's office where he gave me a shot of Vitamin B in my behind.

    Anyway, the day after, I'm talking to a friend on the phone and there's a young guy about 20 years old standing in the hallway, just outside my office. ). Anyway, my friend asks me if I went to the doctors for my needle. I said "yep, he stuck it in my behind." So my friend said "...ouch! that must've hurt!" (remember, the guy in the hallway can only hear my half of the conversation) I replied " Ya, well, I've had so many stuck in my mouth that having one stuck in my ass is no big deal."

    The guy turned and looked at me and stared and was one of those moments where you really, really pray that Armageddon will come right then and there.

  • delilah

    Well.................when I stood up..........the lid left the brown pudding mark in a very strategic place on my behind. it looked like I did a job in my pants. Very embarassing!

    Sorry Happydad.....I just spewed coffee all over, laughing at your expense....I can just imagine it.

    Mary, you seen the guy since that fateful conversation?

  • DigitalFokus
    Anyway, the day after, I'm talking to a friend on the phone and there's a young guy about 20 years old standing in the hallway, just outside my office. ). Anyway, my friend asks me if I went to the doctors for my needle. I said "yep, he stuck it in my behind." So my friend said "...ouch! that must've hurt!" (remember, the guy in the hallway can only hear my half of the conversation) I replied " Ya, well, I've had so many stuck in my mouth that having one stuck in my ass is no big deal."

    The guy turned and looked at me and stared and was one of those moments where you really, really pray that Armageddon will come right then and there.


    that is flippin awesome!

  • Mary

    No, it was flippin' EMBARASSING!!

  • ColdRedRain

    I was wearing basketball shorts and boxers and I had a boner in high school gym. You add it up!!!!!!

  • whyizit

    I was PAINFULLY shy when I was 13 yrs. old. I would have faded into the wall-paper to keep from having any attention focused on me. Most of my classmates would joke that they didn't even think I knew how to talk.

    I'm sitting in study hall--dead silence--and I could feel a giant sneeze coming on. I tried everything to keep from sneezing, but the more I tried to hold it back, the stronger the force to let it out became. So, I sneezed a hugely loud sneeze, and FARTED at the same time, loud!!!! I literally thought I would die. Everyone was laughing, including the normally stone-faced teacher. My face was red for two weeks!

  • MissBehave

    Hey OpenFireGlass, I LOVE that picture. I posted on the 80's thread that I would have wanted to share your songbook.

  • collegegirl21

    My most embarrassing moment was my dad finding - well I'll just give you the story. I am at my apt one day and my dad calls, he says, "Shay, we found something very disturbing under your bed." They usually go under my bed to get the sewing kit, so I thought it must have been underwear or dirty socks or one of my cosmo magazines. I said, "What did you find?" He says, "I prefer not to say, but I would like for you to leave this sort of thing at your house and actually, you shouldn't even own this." At that point, I was so confused thinking, what could it be. Well my mom is in the background yelling, "Tommy! Tommy, put it back!!!!!! Put it back!!! Don't touch it." All of a sudden, my dad screams to my mom, "BRENDA, HOW DO YOU TURN THIS THING OFF?" zzz ZZZZZ ZZZZZZZ - THOSE Z'S SIGNIFY THE FASTEST SPEED ON MY VIBRATOR! I just hang up the phone. I come and get it next time I am home and my dad says, "We will trust you to take proper actions with that thing that is under your bed. Jehovah doesn't like that sort of thing and that is detesable in his eyes." Needless to say, its in my drawer at my apt. Hey, I get lonely sometimes too :)

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