I've got $500 on Taylor Hicks to win American Idol ( 10 to 1 odds ) : )

by a Christian 153 Replies latest social entertainment

  • lisaBObeesa

    A Christian:

    I would say Taylor just about won you the $5000 last night! What an SHOW STOPPER!

    Taylor Hicks is ELECTRIC!!!

    People, you can't fight the Taylor. You KNOW you love him. His voice is GREAT. And when he dances, I almost faint dead away.

    Some people might not like him that much (hard for me to imagine, but I guess it is true), but I don't think there is one person who watched that performance last night who was not smiling.

  • Legolas

    Taylor ROCKED last night!

    !!!! GO Taylor GO!!!!

  • Makena1

    Anyone else see this about Mandisa?

    Mandisa would not perform at a gay event because "I'm not an advocate for [being gay]"

    Last week, The Advocate reported that Mandisa “lists author and lecturer Beth Moore as her personal American idol” on the show’s web site. Mandisa wrote that Moore “inspires me to live more like Jesus, and I want to do the same.” Moore, the founder of Living Proof Ministries, supports “ex-gay” ministries and calls being gay a “fraudulent attachment.” With its driveling, pointless brand of evidence-free journalism, TMZ.com blames Mandisa ouster on “her openly anti-gay affiliations,” rather than, like, her awful song choice and performance.

    After Mandisa was kicked off the show Wednesday, The Advocate spoke to her, and she said that when she learned of the accusation that her support for Moore made her anti-gay, “It broke my heart. I live my life by the value system that you treat others the way you want to be treated. I let love be my guide. I absolutely hate no one. When I heard that I was really upset.”

    However, she apparently doesn’t really love the gays, either—she won’t even take money from same-sex people. The magazine asked her, “Would you be comfortable performing or singing at a gay event?” Her reply was simple: “I would not, no.” She says that’s because she won’t support gay people. “Based on what I believe, I’m not an advocate for [being gay], so it’s nothing I would take part in,” she said.


    Eventhough I have heard more than enough Creed type singers - I think Chris Daughtry has the most potential.

    Kelly - cute, but please somebody give this girl a brain!

    My take on last nights 'music of Queen:

    sigh..Chris Chris Chris..what ARE you thinking??? THis should have been his night to blow everyone away. I knew that song, and he did it ok..but, Simon was right.

    Taylor..uhm..err...bad karaoke night.

    Pickler...uhm..she pulled of Bohemian Rhapsody pretty well

    Paris...stop shouting, but..impressive.

    Bucky..why is he there?

    Elliot...great voice, sincere, nice guy, but sorry..not 'star' material'

    Katherine...yummy...ok song choice.

    Ace...ain't gonna make it on looks alone anymore.

  • Mulan

    I don't know how I have missed this thread.

    I love American Idol and agree with almost everything said on this page.

    Mandisa blew it a couple of weeks back when she sang the gospel song that was so obscure no one knew it. The night of the "songs of the 21st century" was so bad, I would have voted everyone off.

    I thought Lisa Tucker was the best one going in, but somehow she just never clicked after her amazing start.

    At this point, I don't see Paris winning.............she is too much like Fantasia. Same style and all. I just don't see them picking the same type this soon.

    For that reason, I don't think Kelly Pickler will win either, because of Carrie Underwood.

    I don't care for Chris............I know he is really good, but I just don't like that kind of music.

    I think Katherine is amazing and I really like Taylor too.

    But..............I predict Chris will win it.

    Ace and Bucky are on their way out.

  • lilybird

    My favorite is still Taylor,,he really is a performer as well as a singer..Chris has an amazing rocker voice,,my husband says he should win and tour the country singing good ole rock and roll.......Elliot has the best voice in my opinion anyways.. last nite was his best.. he finally seemed to relax and show some personality..Katherine always sings beautifully... My vote would be for Taylor .... if only I could vote!!!

  • lisaBObeesa

    TAYOR WAS AMAZING TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! I THINK I DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN!!!!! A-fricken-mazing! Has he won you guys over yet?? And I hear his Vegas odds are up to 2/1.

  • Spectre

    My girl Katherine was the best tonight!

    I'm hoping that Ace leaves, he should have left last week after doing his boy band version of one of the most rockin' songs of all time.

  • lisaBObeesa

    Stick a fork in Ace, he is DONE.

  • sandy

    I think everyone, except Kelly was really great tonight. Rod Stewart was great too. I think he did a good job coaching. He was hilarious too. I know his music but never saw his personality before. I think he is adorable and funny. If it were up to me I'd send Kelly home and then Ace. I hope Eliott or Taylor wins. Those two seem the most sincere to me. Paris and Katherine were really great tonight, probably the best. In fact tonight's show, in my opinion, was the best. I think Rod Stewart really gave them all a boost of confidance. I hope they invite him to coach again next season. Him and Barry Manilow are really great.

  • Beachbender

    I agree Sandy last nights show was one of the better ones, but I still found it somewhat boring. I don`t know maybe it`s just me this year but I`m not getting the song choices and the performances at all !!! Kellie was definitely the weakest last night, hopefully she will be the one to go. I agree that Paris and Katharine were the stronger two in their performances, I don`t really like either one to be honest.

    I`ll be happy as long as Chris doesn`t get voted off yet!!

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