The Plot Thickens...

by RichieRich 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Saturday, I was out in service for 8 hours. I'm auxillary pioneering. uh. I worked some with my book study conductor, who also was on my judicial committee.

    He always makes it a point to ask me how I'm doing and to poke and pry into my life to make sure I'm not violating any of god's commands.

    Well, he told me he had a question to ask me. He said, " Remember the site that all the young ones were on, that your mom called me about, but that we didn't do anything with?"

    (After being put on Public Reproof for having a lewd website, my mother found myself and tons of area Witnesses on, and she called the elders. They didn't want to mess with it, especially with no one to help them snoop through evidence, so they dropped it.)

    I replied in the affirmative.

    he continues "Well, Bro. {NEW P.O.} told me a few weeks ago that on that site you had said something about Dee Ay-ing yourself when you turn 18. Something about handing the brothers your letters, sealed in envelopes?"

    RED FLAG went up in my mind. I never put anything about that on my myspace page. I had witness friends who frequented the page. It never even really said anything that tied me to being a JW. Plus, they never even saw my myspace page.

    Thinking fast, I realized that this brother didn't know the difference between a myspace page and his wife's face, so apparently, he was asking me only because he had been told to by the PO. SO, I covered my ass. I began to editorialize on the subject of the fact that I don't like people snitching on me, and that in a fit of anger, I had put something out there to see who would act on it. I told him I knew it was wrong, and that I had taken it down for that reason. Then I assured him I would never DA myself.

    He told me he seemed to remember me having an envelope at the last convening of my JC. I told him I never did anything, and I didn't have a letter ever written, so it could never be on me.


    So here's my opinion.

    THe brother seemed to know that I would never DA myself. HE seemed confident in faith and love for the ORG.

    The brother is a very nervous, and when accusing me or having some sort of judicial dealing, and he is very intimidated by me. HE seemed to be rather calm, so I think that maybe he was just asking, and had already concluded that I had a very good explanation for my actions.

    The brother told me that he had been informed of this WEEKS ago, and that this was his first real oppurtunity to speak with me about. I think if it was considered a judicial issue, it would have been handled extremely quicker.

    Like I said, I never put anything about DAing myself on my myspace page. THe only place I discuss that publicly is here.

    SO pretty much, the elders have seen me here. However, there appears to be no sort of expeditous judicial process in action here. It looks like its a nonissue with them.

    They did approve me to auxillary, they still call on me to comment, and ask me to read... SO what's happening here?

    However, I'm calling this a DEFCON 2: HIGH RICHIE ALERT, and I'm going on standby for emergency DA protocol.

    That means if you live in the NC area, and could, in the dramatic off chance something happens, take a fat kid in for a week or two, I need a PM.

    I need someone to start a new thread, for the letter to my mom. I ask that it be a regular poster (jgnat, elsewhere, etc.) who knows what to do. Reference that link please.

    If you guys have any ideas what the elders are up to here, reply to this thread, let me know. I appreciate it.

    And if you're lurking, for Christ' Sake, scroll to the top of this page and join this site. Don't worry, Richie offers you his protection.

  • ballistic

    keep on rocking Richie

  • jgnat
    However, there appears to be no sort of expeditous judicial process in action here.

    This would be my gut feeling as well. My JW hubby recently completed a round with the elders, and he is now on restriction. Nothing about the internet was brought up, however. The elders are as slow as molasses on this stuff.

    And, for starting a new thread, consider it done.

  • coolhandluke

    You've got two months to go Richie. You know how much you are admired. If I were in NC, my second bedroom would be yours. I got cho back from a distance man. If you need an ear or whatever, PM me. My time is your time.


  • onesong

    What a hell raiser you are Richie!

    And good grief--((8)) hours in field service in one day

    You're moxie is astonishing to say the least. I'm far from NC but you're always welcome in my home, I'll buy you a ticket to get here if you need.

    I'm already running an "under ground railroad" of sorts here for young ones wanting to get out.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Well, Bro. {NEW P.O.} told me a few weeks ago that on that site you had said something about Dee Ay-ing yourself when you turn 18. Something about handing the brothers your letters, sealed in envelopes?"

    You said this here a few months ago... Maybe we're being watched.

    It seems to much of a co-incidence to come out with something like that. Maybe they do know but knowing you have but a short time till you're 18 they're leaving you alone in the hope that you see sense and change your mind.

    They did approve me to auxillary, they still call on me to comment, and ask me to read

    They're hoping you stay, they don't want to lose you so why get your back up by stooping you doing something. All that would do would lose you in two months.

    This brother broached the subject, HE KNOWS!

  • Nosferatu

    Damn.... just when you think things are going according to plan, someone has to throw a curve ball. Try to hang in there!

    Also, you might want to try confiding in your worldly friends' parents. Worldly people can be extremely helpful! I moved into my (then) girlfriend's dad's house when things got too rough at my house. Let them know the trouble your going through, and they may open their doors for you.

    If you were here in Canada, I'd let you stay in the spare room we have until you got on your feet.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Or, and this is a stretch, the guy asking you about it has succumbed to vicious and malicious gossip-mongering. Richie, as the mature brother you are destined to become, you should report this to the proper elder.

    As you never posted anything of this nature on myspace, someone who reads this board has "reported" you. Flush them out. In addition to being able to kick his ass in a private moment, in the long term, you may have a co-conspirator.

    I hope you can DA in a talk, and that you pack the Kingdom Hall with your supporters....If I weren't studying for the bar exam, I'd fly out, dress like a visiting dub and attend (with a giant foam finger to wave at the appropriate time).

    I cherished my DA. I only wish I had done it during my last talk...


  • unique1

    Whoa, a lurker ratted on you! Best Wishes man.

  • Mary
    Richie said: SO pretty much, the elders have seen me here. However, there appears to be no sort of expeditous judicial process in action here. It looks like its a nonissue with them.

    If the elders have seen you here---on a website they would deem "apostate", then don't think that it's a non-issue with them. You've got your picture posted and everyone knows you're from North would be quite easy for them to nail your spiritual ass to the wall hon.......

    Of course, they might have a hard time explaining what THEY'RE doing looking at an apostate website.......all the same, watch your back, because it looks like the vultures might be circling........

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