Richie, I would also send a PM to all the mods on here hoping you find one that is online.
by RichieRich 40 Replies latest jw friends
Richie, I would also send a PM to all the mods on here hoping you find one that is online.
Richie.... I don't live near you, but if you get kicked out I can help in other ways I'm sure.
Let me know!
Look, they know. Why would they go to all the trouble of dragging you in the back room when they know you plan to walk out the door in two months? My theory: They plan to just keep an eye on you, and let you do what you have to do in two months. It will be a lot less work for them, and they won't have to 'take you on' in a JC. I think this brother just couldn't keep his mouth shut...he had to let you know he knew.
(comment deleted by myself) I IM'd it instead.........just in case someone is snooping on Richie.
Hey Rich!!!
You can crash with me anytime bro. I have a house in north raleigh so it's about as close to home as you will get.
Why DA yourself? It just complicates your life. And it puts a label on you that cuts you off from JW family and friends that you could help.
Can't you edit your own post?
hey megadude...i think what richie wants to do is nullify his baptism, not DA himself. it's pretty much the same thing but a slight technicality that might prevent any shunning policy to take effect.
what richie wants to do is nullify his baptism, not DA himself. it's pretty much the same thing but a slight technicality that might prevent any shunning policy to take effect...
...that probably won't work.
The WTS is on to this and they are making sure COs and cong. POs know about it. Anyone who tries it will still be treated with severely.
I've wondered outloud why RR can't just quitely fade away after going off to school. But, he is at a good age to where he can cut off all ties to JWism, go off to school and start his life anew and not worry about the shunning he'll receive from people that he doesn't really care about.
Good luck, RR. We're pulling for ya.
I think people should be free to DA or nullify but why do it?
Ask yourself if you basically want nothing to do with anyone in your life currently that is a JW because if you do DA or ask for a baptism nullification the result will be the same.
I think it's restrictive. I don't see why any new ex-JW would want a Watchtower label at all. Why make a big deal out of it? Want to get even with the Watchtower? Fade away without the Watchtower DF or DA brand and keep your access to your JW family or friends. There is nothing better than being a free range ex-JW that mingles with JWs. Even if you never discuss religion you still exert a kind of positive influence for them to leave by the fact you associate with JWs but you are free of the life-sucking dreary slave schedule they keep. I don't know any JW who enjoys the heavy schedule of endless boring, ill-prepared meetings and cold-calling people on your weekends to join one of the most unenjoyable churches in the United States. If you are loving life and not participating as a JW, that alone sends a powerful witness to the trapped JW.
I recommend that you try to just fade away, if you can.
Might be easier to do that while at college.
What do you plan to major in?