Eduardo, I agree to disagree with you.
SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT re: Riley Trust Tobacco Compan Stock & WTS
by Oroborus21 78 Replies latest watchtower scandals
(1) Classic "apostate" - Prepared to promote any allegation or claim (true or false) against the WTS. Bitter and obsessed with organisation even though he/she may have been "out" for years. Stands at assembly gates with placards and / or develops website & spam witnessing program.
(2) Passive "apostate" - Believes most (but not all) allegations. Not an active promoter.
That`s a very cunning way to describe "apostates", dozy. You should be a writer for the WTS. You are, by this description, describing and defining a classic and active apostate as someone who are prepared to promote any allegation (true or false) against the WTS. This is simply not true! I would consider myself an "active apostate", in the sense that I am at least active on the internet, and I am bitter (over my ruined childhood and a number of other things) and "obsessed", and I don`t hesitate in telling people I know the truth about "the truth", and I am planning on telling my JW-relatives too. Still, this does NOT make me prepared to "promote any allegation, true or false, against the WTS". I would never fall for that free-masonry, zionist, conspiracy-lunacy some people show up with on this web-site from time to time. But: I read everything I come across, and I am not easily fooled. Oroborus made it clear on this website that the WTS were the beneficiaries of Philip-Morris stocks (whether or not some bank-employee handled the trust) before, and up until 2002. Then the stocks were sold, and the WTS cashed in. Not much, 17000 dollars, was it? But still, they cashed in. And that makes them immoral and hypocrites by their own standards.
Your description and definition of the "apostates" is an insult, because the definition includes saying that "the more active an apostate is, the more dishonest he/she is". And that is an insult, and very typical JW/WTS-loyalist-thinking, and its plain to see for every thinking, intelligent individual on this website. You can`t fool anyone here with your WTS-loyalist-propaganda.
Unless you are willing to acknowledge that the Society, WTS, Jehovah's Witnesses ARE MORALLY SUPERIOR in other areas to everyone else (and I am not ready to do that) THEN PLEASE STOP TRYING TO HOLD THEM to a morally superior standard when it comes to this area of receiving donations from others because they are just like everyone else and they are entitled to receive donations from the righteous and the unrighteous.
Eduardo, I don't consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be morally superior; however, Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be morally superior and trumpet that from the platform on a regular basis.
Since they hold themselves up as morally superior, then those are the standards by which they should be judged.
If they would quit taking that stand and admit that they are "just like everyone else," as you said above, then perhaps there wouldn't be such outrage when they violate their own rules, however subtly.
Well, see? Now Dozy has left people out and some feel hurt! I'm not a jw, never been, never will be so technically I can't be called an apostate! Just where do people like me fit in?
I tended not to put much "stock" in the stock deal, since I thought it was something on the line of what Eduardo was saying here. I appreciate all the time it took to research this and spread it all out here. Yeah, there's a "little leaven" here, but it's nothing to get bent out of shape about, in my opinion.
As an early poster mentioned, there's plenty to truly dislike about the bOrg, we don't need fanciful tales of secret ties to "evil" companies.
Do they tell parents to stop talking to their children when they exercise their religious freedom? Yes. What more do we need?
Do they tell parents to stop talking to their children when they exercise their religious freedom? Yes. What more do we need?
I am treated as evil by people who claim that they are being oppressed because they are not allowed to force me to practice what they do.—D. Dale Gulledge
Hi Danny. You said...
The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,the reason they came into existence was to proclaim Jesus Christ second coming in 1914.They will now deny that they ever made this claim,that's called BAIT AND SWITCH
Do they really deny Jesus Christ came into power in a second coming in 1914? How did I miss this? Is it they have said "we no longer believe this" or is it they do not include this teaching in new study books for recruiting purposes? I really want to know. Thanks!
From your comments & reading though other threads , there does appear to be a spectrum of ex-witness viewpoint & conduct with individuals putting themselves into various camps.....
(1) Classic "apostate" - Prepared to promote any allegation or claim (true or false) against the WTS. Bitter and obsessed with organisation even though he/she may have been "out" for years. Stands at assembly gates with placards and / or develops website & spam witnessing program.
(2) Passive "apostate" - Believes most (but not all) allegations. Not an active promoter.
(3) Neutral "ex-witness" - Reasonable , open to debate & occasionally wishes to speak positively about some aspects of JWs , but would never return. More likely to be a "fader" than DF.
(4) Reform "ex-witness" - Generally positive - disillusioned about certain aspects and disagrees with one or two doctrines / processes (eg Blood , 607 . shunning , UN).
develops a website = still bitter after all these years
passive = uniformed & lazy
reasonable = speaks positively about the WTS
positive = interested in reforming the religion ie still believes in most of it, just disagrees about some few things
This is a laughable stereotyping of a vastly complex group; there's far more to it than you want believe.
A man murdered several men and was paid $17,000 to commit the murders. He gave the money to a Mr. Tower who gladly kept the money and refused to return it even after he learned how it had been earned.
How moral was Mr. Tower, Eduardo?